
yep. though again, I don't think will get nearly so much traction
They’re already setting up the next overblown freakout, this time to take down Harris. Nice work everyone
yeah maybe I’m wrong but the Biden age thing has been a story for so long I’m not sure they’ll be able to marshal that level of coordinated ratfucking of Harris, especially without the same number of leaks but I’ve been wrong a lot, so
I feel like you underestimate their ability to coordinate a ratfucking at this point, because they're clearly having sustained success with the strategy.
Feels like anyone who would be in a position to leak anything damning about this would also be culpable for the same thing, right? You’re not going to see fellow Democrats saying this, just Republicans.
They don’t have to because she’s a woman of color
she's a black woman. i expect the media would reach to new depths to try to ratfuck her.
I get why people are mad at “the media” for this, Joe Biden dementia-watch is pretty stomach turning, but the notion he was too old is a concern voters have had for years now. I don’t think it’s been a low-key worry amongst Americans that Kamala Harris has been covering up lies about Biden’s health
i can't find the argument that "they will be mean to whoever ends up running" credible, because that is indeed the point of a head-to-head matchup
not an argument so much as an observation that the elite DC media is de facto in the tank for Trump just like they were in 2016
i also have a difficult time aggregating the media into The Media as a monolith on this issue, its a vibes-based excuse that's impossible to actually quantify or prove, made much more difficult to do when the media is currently being used as a tool of the current intraparty war
of course it's an oversimplification, and yes the party angle is why I don't think it will work as well, all I'm saying is Dash Sulzberger's knife is coming out for Harris the moment she is in the chair
May have a one day 'honeymoon' period. That happened when she first announced in 2020 though maybe not NYT.
as it would for anybody, the difference being is it better to have the original person in that position and unable to fight back or convince the public they have the capacity to do so, or a new candidate in that position who can
One of the New York Times's few *non*-intraparty war pieces to grace the front page this Holiday weekend was this, so I feel like reading a clear editorial interest in the election outcome is reasonable for at least this one major media institution.
this is a statement you can make about any news outlet with a national footprint, most of the time people drop it about The Atlantic
ultimately i think you can deflect with “he can serve but doesn’t want to campaign” and hammer that line enough that you can get the media to get of it because there’s 3.5 years of evidence that’s working.
I thought Nate Silver was banished to the trash bin of relevance four years ago.
Which Democratic nominee won’t the media shit on?
So, it begins (already begun, actually), death by a thousand tiny cuts. Guys, you just don't get it. The pick-pick-pick on ANY female candidate will be absolutely relentless, the gaslighting will be awesome. You still don't even believe Hillary got unfair treatment. Wake the hell up.