Ryan Shirlow

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Ryan Shirlow


Norn Irish 🇮🇪 writer for Fortean Times / folk music 🪕and audio collage on Woodford Halse https://bsky.app/profile/woodfordhalse.bsky.social / also ❤️old 🚙 cars & homebrew 🍺 / Dad to 2 wee girls

you’re made of sterner stuff than I!
You are right there is indeed organised stealing from donation bins, with the valuable clothes picked out and resold, and its the poor that suffer from that. Some of the thieves are themselves exploited and end up getting injured in the bins. All very sad.
Aye but its good to steal from the *nazis* … like the volunteers who work in charity shops, and the good causes they support. This is how bad the “everyone I disagree with is literally a nazi” social media indulgence has become. Madness.
I get a few of those, but it’s mostly these tankies, I had one call a follower a fascist because he suggested political assassinations were generally a bad thing.
I have to believe the onslaught of stalinist troll accounts on here are being run by the same eight people. If they are real they certainly don’t bother to vote. I live in a massive student area and they ranked nowhere in the recent elections, despite their loathsome stickers & noise on social media
Wow. You’ve picked up some block-deserving nasties over your controversial stance on (checks notes) shoplifting from charity shops. One was an IRA-stan and all. In the bin with the lot of em. Funny how it’s always women’s accounts they pick on?
come on, time to delete this, loads of people have pointed out its fake - funny, but fake
Seemed a tad overzealous, then I saw the hate symbol in the username so it was a block from me 🤷‍♂️
Though I note they didn’t have it when they originally picked up the ban did they?
It’s Florgoths musicians lists, they allow musicians to follow the other musicians on here… though generally people are looking for mutuals so you should follow back if interested.
That was the problem I always had with Ubuntu - graphics and sound card drivers. I had an unusual multichannel sound card but the graphics thing was some long running feud with Nvidia. It would work but without hardware acceleration I couldn’t watch online video smoothly. Not good for a media PC!
So once Windows 10 enforces obsolescence next year I think that particular PC will end up scrap. I’ll have gotten fifteen years out of it with very minor upgrades but still.
Yep, I got a later, very similar version of the game I wanted running using something called Porting Kit.
👍I know about it cheers, there’s a copy of it in our local fish and chip shop and I read up on it a few years ago. This is the article I was thinking of that describes the likely platform just out of view that I was referring to : www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019...
One of the most iconic photos of American workers is not what it seemswww.washingtonpost.com But “Lunch atop a Skyscraper,” which was taken during the Great Depression, has come to represent the country's resilience, especially on Labor Day.
I misremembered there was ground, but there was likely a completed *story of the building* just below the shot. Which when you think of it makes a lot of sense, as in terms of how buildings are built.
There are also a couple of alternate takes and other photos from the same session.
Yes I understand it’s a trick of perspective and the ground is just below the bottom of the shot! still beautifully done
Oh I’m feeling rambunctious this morning.
Ok it doesn’t sound like the type of book that would interest me, thanks for clarifying. I suspect the adherents to those beliefs might argue with you about the factual evidence or ethical foundation (particularly of a morality tale like Noah’s Ark) but that’s their job not mine. Have a good day.
were any of the beliefs studied possibly true or did they just pick easy targets? that’s the space I’m most interested in - what if they are right? plenty of now mainstream beliefs and movements started out pretty fringe (from civil rights to climate change)
sadly I have read that photo (incredible as it is) was staged
I felt a great sadness when I first saw an advertising balloon - adverts - in the sky. Horrific.
and he still looks very cool
I guess it’s not obvious, but there’s no touchscreen in a Fiat Panda, one of the last cars to avoid it, even my Skoda had one
There’s a sweet spot at about fifteen years where you can get a really nice car before it starts to appreciate rapidly. I bought a 1993 VW Polo at mate’s rates and even it appreciated but I was beholden to resell at mate’s rates when I passed it on. Great fun car, every journey an adventure.
I also use Google Maps, on my phone, I bought a phone bracket for a fiver and it sits on my dashboard happy days.
I’m happy with bluetooth audio or an aux jack
I wish they’d make an EV with the Panda philosophy - it’s not the electric drive train which is inherently problematic - it’s the vast amounts of additional technical assistance and glitchy control software they load onto it. Imagine a little plug and play city go-kart, a bit like the Ami but better