Samantha (Samanthahalf)

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Samantha (Samanthahalf)

Librarian, fangirl, crafter, wokerati, she/her. Knitting and spinning and chatting and sewing and reading and generally carrying on. Business librarian in higher education. Easily distracted. Owns adorable small child, posts indulgently on the subject.
Proper Greek yogurt really is the food of the gods, isn't it. Just had a bowl with a big juicy peach, bliss.
Mum's just helpfully told the family gc that there's been a big global computer meltdown. Apparently we can look online for details xx
Alt-text, when done both accurately and with style, is a work of art.
You got it, sister
Right. I need a third thing about Lancashire for an about me paragraph at work. It needs to be something international students would vaguely recognise. I've got Blackburn Rovers and the industrial revolution but I really need a third. Do we think the Pendle Witches? Possibly too obscure?
Oh dear. Just managed to spoiler t'husband despite him watching the football live - next door screamed out in joy, I asked if they'd scored and got a sad "no". Turns out the stream is about 20 seconds behind. (I offered him the TV, he's watching on one screen and playing games on the other)
The squealing you just heard was me, in the garden, hosing the toddler down before her bath. She begged me to, she's a cold water fan 🤣
We have gardened. Mostly this involved hacking overgrown shrubs until the brown bin was full. Also, hammering a concrete dog into movable pieces. Our garden needs some work.
I don't think ladies' football will be on an even playing field with mens' until they catch up in terms of shithousery. I enjoyed the World Cup but I felt let down by the lack of decent fouls. And absolutely naff all diving! They just get up and stagger on like rugby players!
What is this bullshit about coming in to work or school late because of the Euros? Says it all that when the women actually WON it two years ago we just got on with it. We won and went to work the next day. Smash the fucking patriarchy indeed.
Declaring people to be vermin, enemies of the state, or un-human is the sort of language people adopt before they pursue a genocide.
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
Oh good lord. Some of you should not be allowed.
Had to look, didn't I
Toddler doesn't eat sausages. Fine. But she really likes Sausage Thing, which is a variation on an old Jamie Oliver recipe where you cook the insides of sausages with lemon, wine and fennel. So we have to call it Long Pork Thing now. Which is just a bit disturbing.
Have we considered reviewing the laws around the way we allow men to abuse and mistreat women as well as licensing crossbows? Because I'm pretty sure there's a lot of frightening behaviour that never gets investigated or logged out prosecuted enough to show up on an application.
Just had two really great calls. Just meetings where everyone was right on it, and positive, and good things are happening and an external praised our library service to the hills, and I was An Expert in a really good way. Just lovely.
More men's football again? I'm absolutely going out next Wednesday regardless of what's on TV, FYI. The nursery mums have found a date on which most of us are available for dinner, that's much more likely than the lionesses' men's team winning the world cup.
Why is Marley's Ghost all over the papers? No don't tell me.
Guda was a 12th-century nun and illuminator from Germany. She was one of the first woman to create a self-portrait in a manuscript, setting a precedent for female medieval illuminators and manuscript writers in the subsequent centuries.
New hill to die on: you do not need to spend £££ or oodles of time on making reusable kitchen roll. Because you already own tea towels and probably also cleaning cloths. Wrap 'em round a stick if it makes you feel better.
Thank you for your help with the shopping list, autocorrect, but we've got enough problems without Self Reasoning Flour getting involved.
I am still finding it incredibly odd watching the government appoint people to roles based on their competence and knowledge of that domain.
Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill CBE was appointed Minister of State at the Department for Transport on 8 July 2024.
The UK and France just proved that getting out and actually voting makes a difference. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
Look, I’m guessing you need this as much as I did—the tumblr heritage post about native fauna of hardware stores has been updated for craft stores: “Beware a roving pack of domesticated quilters. They fear nothing” #crafters #homedepot 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Brandy *releases pack of dads into home depot* go……be free
Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
Toddler has switched allegiance to the white team mere seconds after they won 🤣
Thanks to the small army of Parliament's staff - Library, digital and elsewhere - who have been working tirelessly overnight to update Parliamentary systems to ensure that new MPs can move smoothly into their roles straight away. Much of the work now continues over the weekend.
Ffs. Why can't they lose so I don't have to keep letting him use the TV.
Husband not impressed with my suggestion of adding little obstacles to the football pitch, in the style of mini golf, to make it all a bit less dull.
So to confirm, now we have near-final numbers: Every time 19 Tory MPs get a bit grumpy this parliament and stick their letters into the 1922 Committee...'ll automatically trigger a leadership contest.
Worth remembering, for the next five years, that the Tory party rules ASSUME they'll have a large number of sitting MPs. e.g. to automatically start a leadership context only 15% of tory MPs have to put in letters. 15% of 130ish seats is... not a lot.