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Software engineer. Former astrophysicist. Security enthusiast and electronics hobbyist. Into music and cute animals. Identifies with hackers, freaks, and weirdos. People should be free to be their authentic selves. Passionately anti-authoritarian. He/Him
just popping in to say that federal court judges have no humor whatsoever, and while that joke may be hilarious, maybe just don’t post it
Well, looks like things are probably going to get worse. I mean, not that it isn't already a fucking dumpster fire, but an attempted assassination is just going to embolden the bastard and his crazed followers.
Reposted byAvatar samhain
I had a dream last night that I somehow, accidentally, got elected vice president of the US. Don’t ask how this happened, nor how this dream electoral system worked, because I have no idea.
Probably Halloween by AFI. Everything about it is better than the original by the Misfits. Also I realize now that almost every cover of a Misfits song is better than the original (e.g., Astro Zombies by My Chemical Romance).
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
Again, these people don’t understand that the libertarian dystopia in the likes of Cyberpunk is not a societal model to emulate. Jfc. Why?!
“The automated ammunition dispenser uses artificial intelligence technology to verify a buyer’s identification and age through card scanning and facial recognition software.” 💀
Vending machines selling bullets at grocery American Rounds offers vending machines, powered by artificial intelligence, that are selling ammo for guns at grocery stores in Alabama and Oklahoma.
I just learned that Kabosu (the wonderful Shiba Inu from the Doge meme) died at the end of May. I know that it’s silly, but this breaks my heart. I love animals so damn much, and I’ve always found memes to be a way to express feelings that I couldn’t always put to words, or just felt safer.
Great move. Do recommend.
muting the words vote and voting on here for my own fucking sanity
We’ve had a couple of incidents due to a datetime bug. Seriously. It’s awful.
Reposted byAvatar samhain
The residents of Potato Bay can rest easy now that this dangerous babby is off the streets.
Had a stress dream about coming into an exam without knowing any of the material. I’ve not taken an exam for 9 years. Why is my brain like this?
Well, looks like we can start feeding the rich to our cats and dogs.
"Veterinary prices have soared more than 60% over the past decade, according to federal stats. Private equity firms and large corps have bought 100s of facilities around the country, an acquisition spree reminiscent of the corporate roll-ups of doctors’ offices."
Why You’re Paying Your Veterinarian So People have grown more attached to their pets — and more willing to spend money on them — turning animal medicine into a high-tech industry worth billions.
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Reposted byAvatar samhain
what if - hear me out - we replaced much of the tech media with Lying Cat
It would be super cool if the tech media would simply stop credulously repeating every value-juicing statement C-Suites make like they’re the in-house PR department. The only difference between these hollow promises and the guy crying, “The end is near!” on the street corner is funding.
Omg. Such a cutie 🥰
Timeline cleanse time! Here’s a Bunny pic.
Honestly, this pretty much describes the average PhD.
"PhD level intelligence" ok so really good at one extremely niche thing no one else cares about and then just like has to google "hash brown in air fryer" every other day
Reposted byAvatar samhain
Happy Caturday 🐾🤍
Working in any large corp.
It was his third 8am Zoom meeting this week, and Phil was not in the fucking mood. Cynthia had been droning on for ten minutes now, and the woman sounded like she ate spreadsheets and shit flowcharts. He also swore that if she said “synergy” one more time, he would lose his shit.
If “Western Civilization” is built on such shaky foundations, then let it fucking fall. Let it be nothing more than a memory, a single cobble stone on the path towards a better future.
There has never been someone so divorced.
Fuck. I’m a Leftist from the US Midwest with anxiety, depression, and religious trauma, all while being terminally online and on the spectrum. This pretty much describes 99% of casual conversation with me.
After three spins it’s the Star Trek lightning round
Quality shitposting right here. 🤌
🎶 rooooock sand you don’t have to mix concrete tonight pave the streets for money you don’t care if it’s car or if it’s bike 🎶
Such a handsome boy 🥰
I have to take Fergus to a specialist next week to check something (it's fine, nothing scary) and I'm always so excited to introduce him to new vets and hear about what a handsome and polite gentleman he is. 🎩
Reposted byAvatar samhain
Also, Roberts, I don’t always like you, but that line about Church and State was nice in comparison to the shit show that was the Alitos.
A key journalistic difference between the recent reporting on SCOTUS and Project Veritas’s on Abortion is that the former is not a load of absolute hot garbage nor edited to all hell and back to fit a narrow narrative. If it was, then Roberts line about Church and State would have been nixed.
Oh no! Sorry everyone. Should have been a bit more careful with the e2e tests. Now the Cucumber tests have a major bug!
“Cucumbers contaminated with salmonella bacteria may have sickened and hospitalized dozens of people in at least 25 states, U.S. health officials said Wednesday.”
Salmonella outbreak may be linked to recalled cucumbers, CDC Cucumbers contaminated with salmonella bacteria may have sickened and hospitalized dozens of people in at least 25 states. The U.S.