
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
"Anything they do, I wish them luck." "I hate what they're doing, totes." Pick one, Orange Julius Caesar.
Honestly, I’m willing to take it as a dismissive “Yeah, good luck dude” if only because I also talk that way with people I hate.
I'm not. Everything they're doing is backing Trump, and the only reason he's showing any objection to it now is because people are reacting negatively. He fucking loves what Project 2025 is doing and he'll absolutely use it. He just doesn't want bad press.
Yeah, he's pushing out some hard core pro-life Republican Party staffers for the same reason. Bad pre-election optics
The only saving grace is that he's ridiculously clumsy because he doesn't understand anything beyond, 'This makes me look bad.' Imagine what happens when he's gone, and a more innovative and competent villain takes over the MAGA cult? The real nightmare comes in the future.