
It kicks ass that everywhere you go now there are signs up that say like “Please do not yell at our staff. We are trying to help you. Don’t spit on us and throw things at us. We are human beings. We might ask you to leave if you can’t stop stabbing us with knives”
Public transit, the pharmacy, every restaurant. I feel like this goes hand in hand with how everyone got much worse at driving in the past four years
pandemic was baby's first hardship for the entitled class imo
Every day of lockdown I was so grateful not to be working for my millionaire ex-boss. That mfer never washed his hands and every day I watched him blow his nose into a paper towel and then put it in the recycling bin
the “canary” in the “coal mine”
put stress on a system and literally everything deteriorates
america has a ton of angry, anxious, selfish people, and they were always a contingent, but somehow sheltering in our homes and disappearing from view gave them the impression there’s enough of them out there to act like that visibly without consequences maybe they’re even right about that
recently i went to pick up a medication, it was on back order and they didn't know how long it would be. and the the pharmacist seemed legitimately surprised when i was understanding instead of angry.
That always makes me feel so awful, when someone thanks me so sincerely for being polite/normal
I'm thinking it really isn't a good idea to piss off the people that are preparing your food? Just saying!