neily cyrus

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neily cyrus

wandering around nyc
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Must have been a long day at the paleontology department
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*annoying liberal voice* you guys, Biden -can’t- use the unlimited power he was just given by the supreme court to do Good Things, because then someone more evil will use it to do Bad Things. i am a very intelligent political commentator
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every American should be unionized. there should be a union if you don't fit in any other union. There should be a union if you're unemployed
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Hyatt Regency San Francisco r/brutalism
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🚨weasel in my yard🚨
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and there it is
some of the creepiest Nazi accounts on old Twitter had names like “Golden Years” and shared white midcentury lifestyle art like this, occasionally slipping in outright swastika shit in the same style Too many fingers, very funny yes, but depressing to see someone using AI to crank out more of this
Neo-Nazis Are All-In on Extremists are developing their own hateful AIs to supercharge radicalization and fundraising—and are now using the tech to make weapon blueprints and bombs. And it’s going to get worse.
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eventually every big company just becomes a consultancy vehicle to find ways to charge more money for shittier products & worse services; while everyone notices this when it’s google or hbo or target, everyone really, really notices it when it’s airliners & rockets
Nationalize Boeing. It is the right thing to do of course and it is also the most humane way to put the executives out of their misery however I am open to other suggestions in that area as well
NASA astronauts stuck in space after Boeing Starliner Faulty thrusters and helium leaks have plagued the aircraft, though officials believe there's no danger to the Americans taking it home.
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The older I get the more I understand Calvin's dad. And that's cliche to say but like all of him, right down to the sadistic glee at sabotaging corporate intentions and the inexplicable bouts of manic rage at how terribly and obnoxiously we've built society
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Vintage store today had a little living room set up with Ghost playing on their ancient TV
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not to turn it back on them but i believe there are a lot of people who contribute very little to this world besides their seething resentment and hatred of difference and things would immediately improve overall if they died
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Politician trying to be relatable: I’m grill pilled hehe [standing over grill with a single pre-cooked iguana on it]
going through my archives. from a folder dated august 1995
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For folks not familiar with Dr. Walker: -Only woman recipient of the Medal of Honor -Dressed as illustrated below in a time when that shit got you arrested -Lifelong abolitionist, frontline war surgeon, Civil War P.O.W. -Paid her own way through med school on a teacher's salary (lol can u imagine)
I love non-conforming Victorians and Edwardians as they completely undermine the "all this is modern woke" attack line. Here's my queen of it. Dress reform activist Dr Mary Edwards Walker who said "I don't wear men's clothes: I wear my clothes."
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basically being on the computer too much abstracts reality and gives primacy to language
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Behold, the Cool S Sword.
more of this, please, everywhere
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in 100 years no one will remember: -how attractive you were -how nice you were -how successful you were what they will remember is: -how many of your bones were harvested for the death engine -the terrible roar of the death engine -yeaaarooorrrrghh the death engine
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“AI is the future of innovation!” The future of innovation:
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Hey man sorry to hear from you
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this seems bad to me
From Reuters: The U.S. military launched a secret propaganda effort during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to cast doubt on China's lifesaving vaccine, essentially running an anti-vax campaign in the Philippines.
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This is a direct response to protestors wearing masks. They want to make wearing PPE illegal to so that it’s easier to surveil people. This isn’t about safety — it’s about surveillance.
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
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it's sunset on Wilshire, 1982. the desert air hums with electricity. palms rustle overhead as you speed through a row of green lights. way out there, toward the beach, is a person who doesn't know you're coming. you are a serial killer, and life will never get better than this
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"surrender yourself to the present moment" fuck you. im going to fight the present moment. im going to introduce the present moment to my two friends, desire and non-acceptance