
Fireworks, thunder, earthquakes, my cat could not give one single fuck. But don't you dare ever sneeze in front of him.
If Kevin is sitting on my lap & I sneeze, he yells at me. Though, to be fair, I'm one of those rapid-fire multiple sneezers. But he also yells at me if I sigh or yawn or hiccup, so he's just very strict in general. Today I learned that he DOES NOT LIKE IT when I swish liquid in my mouth. Strict.
Oh, wow. I've been using the word "judgemental" to describe my dog's opinion about sneezing, lip goo, foot cream, peeing, eating! any sign of weakness or self-care, really. But it's "strict". She's really particular about what she believes I am allowed to do. And when. This really is helpful!
Oh, and I missed the Siamese part. I grew up with a Himalayan and she sort of loved some of us sometimes... She'd stare witheringly if you made any attempt to touch her before 9pm, but she brought us dead snakes, mice, bunnies, birds (it was last century!) every day.
Kevin is very snuggly. He spends a lot of the day on my lap, which is why I get scolded so often for disturbing him by, you know, existing. He doesn't get UP from the lap, mind you. He just yells at me a little.