
🧪One last bump for this request. I spoke with a lovely computational chemist this morning, but where are my ecologists? Cancer biologists? Geneticists? Climate change scientists? I know y'all here on Bluesky aren't living under a rock. How have your personal experiments with Chat-GPT gone?
🧪 #journorequest: Are you a scientist thinking critically about how your intellectual property is being leveraged to train AI? Are you reading this and thinking that maybe you should be? I'd love to chat with you for a story in Nature.
I'm so interested to read when this. I'm a STEM librarian and spend most of my time thinking about how AI impacts mis/disinformation and our ability to search for anything. But I am a lot less cognizant of the input data (besides my intense ick response to data use without attribution lol).
Hey Amanda -- this company Biostate AI is offering scientists low cost RNAseq services in exchange for letting their data train their AI -- wonder how many say yes to the bargain? Are other companies doing this?
Why Us | Biostate
I work in biopharma. Mentioned that google AI might hallucinate some crap to our librarian and now they’re working on training on how to properly use the new, shittier search (basically how to recognize, and ignore, AI articles).
Hey, I didn't see this before. When's your deadline? I'd love to set up some interviews with science faculty at my campus for this.