michelle (they/any) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

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michelle (they/any) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Chemistry Librarian. Union activist. (Gender)queer. Organizing from the trenches of higher education in Florida. I play lots of games and drink way too much coffee ✌ they/any pronouns 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
just got a reply all email from someone that just said “No” after someone tasked something to them and i can’t stop laughing
An easy way to support your public library is to make use of it—even if only to visit. We keep (anonymized) statistics not only on circulation totals but on attendance & visits and even on patron-staff interactions. Big numbers please trustees and municipal/county administrators. 📚
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
It is so weird that the people that grew up reading Flowers in the Attic in elementary school are the ones driving book bans in schools and libraries. 📚
That includes children, who are patrons with all the rights and privileges thereof, including—radically—privacy. Last week I overheard a coworker explain to a young patron’s caregiver that only *the patron* could ask a librarian to list their checked-out items. Libraries give kids civic standing. 📚
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Students, and parents, employers and professors: take note. “The better writer you are, the greater your chance of getting rejected, because you won't use keywords." www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/o...
The @nytimes.com has really done it this time. Publishing a piece on the lab leak theory is just terrible editorial judgment. Did they talk to ANY of their science reporters? Talk to anyone who works on viral emergence & origins? This is clickbait for the Fauci hearings this week. It is disgusting.
Would you like to help @jamalzuhir.bsky.social and his family get out of Gaza and also win amazing prizes donated by your fellow Blueskyers? Now is your chance- enter here! forms.gle/3jAppneRkpexGM25A
Faculty surrounding students to protect them. Cops going in with batons
being a marxist is kinda lovecraftian, you've read lots of esoteric books which alow you to understand the mysterious and collosal forces which guide society and inform every level of our lives, it also makes you sound insane and unable to speak to people normally
I thoroughly enjoyed talking with @navalang.bsky.social for this piece. Talking with journalists who *get it* is a treat, and seems to be happening more and more. A fantastic read centering humanity in a conversation about AI
Hey! I spent a good little while working on the cover story for the summer issue of the Walrus. Read, share, shower me with praise, write me hate mail etc thewalrus.ca/ai-hype/
AI Is a False God | The Walrusthewalrus.ca The real threat with super intelligence is falling prey to the hype
Part of the Lemkin Institute for the Prevention of Genocide's statement posted yesterday.
I truly do not care what Israel has to say about anything at all. They are Charlie Brown's teacher to me except that Charlie Brown's teacher was not a murderous genocidal state.
as someone who looks at a ton of atrocity videos for my work: you do NOT need to be looking at that stuff unless you have a specific genuine purpose for doing so you are NOT helping anybody by traumatizing yourself
I’ve seen 2 skeets today about this, so I feel the need to say it: YOU ARE NOT FAILING ANYONE BY NOT WATCHING ATROCITY VIDEOS. You are allowed to look away. You can bear witness by reading or through protest. You do not need to traumatize yourself to prove you care, and fuck anyone who says you do.
“Don’t trust everything you read on the internet.” AI search results: what if I did tho
I know this is not the main point here but the recording software is literally named Panopto lmfao????
UNC Chapel Hill bureaucrats secretly record professors' classes, without notice or consent, "using the existing Panopto camera in the classroom" to investigate "reports concerning class content and conduct"
Letter says UNC Chapel Hill secretly records professorswww.insidehighered.com A business school professor was startled to learn that the university had recorded his classes as part of a ‘review’ he didn’t know about. The university says it has no formal policy on filming classe...
This is ridiculous. I am hoping UAW 4811--authorizes the strike and shuts this shit down. No business as usual as riot cops beat members of the UC community.
There are at least four agencies at UCI (UC Irvine) right now, and it's just all ridiculous and unnecessary.
Folks in STEM, please share! New trans led research on trans (including non-binary) people's experiences in STEM* fields in the UK and USA. (*Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, including healthcare and social sciences). Click here for details and to participate: tinyurl.com/58u3c6jj
Invitation to Participate in a Study: Understanding Factors Leading Queer and Trans People to Leave STEM If you are queer or trans and left a STEM career, the team would like you to be involved more info below. usd.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_...
I want to know everyone's experiences publishing in: * MDPI journals * Hindawi journals * Frontiers journals Not stories about what you heard, please, but your literal experience. what happened to you. Editors of said journals particularly welcome. RT this. A lot.
The endless screaming you may hear is me, thinking about all the implications of this level of surveillance used for mundane conveniences and being processed by one of the most invasive and extractive companies the world has ever known.
“If Google's AI agent can help regular people never lose their glasses ever again (or their keys or other stuff at home or at work), then I think we have a killer app.” 😢
What's the killer AI app for consumers? Google finally has a contender.www.businessinsider.com If Google's AI agents can help you remember where you left your glasses, a lot of regular people will start using generative AI.