
I would argue that modern conservatism demands rights without any corresponding obligation or duty to each other and society. And rights without that reciprocity engenders oppression, lawlessness and disorder;
i really hate how Duty is often portrayed as a right wing virtue we all have a duty to our families, loved ones, friends, to each other —even strangers, and also a duty to fight for a better world, even when it seems hopeless
There is a long strain of American legal and political ethical thinking that makes this very argument, but it has been tossed in recent decades by the Federalist Society project to replace presidents with kings
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. — Francis Wilhoit
To the extent that any conception of duty exists, it flows upward. Those at the top are owed it from everybody else, and that’s it. It explains a lot about how conservatives see family.
And arguably this is the inverse of what it should be.
Most definitely, it makes family into a grotesque thing.
Hence their resentment at the merest suggestion they might have obligations to treat others with tolerance, or might need to chip in for civil projects.
right, but their PR is better.
and because their PR is better, suckers of other political stripes, and they are born every minute, loudly decry the concept