
I think this is the fundamental asymmetry underlying every aspect of the conflict between the parties; you see it in the Senate, in gerrymandering, in the use of executive power I don't want King Biden either, but it's long past time to make the GOP afraid of the consequences of endless escalation
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
Liberals are too up their own ass to make any moves that don't give more ground to fascism
And if the anti-lib left does not support the "libs" anyways, then fascism will win for sure. If the democratic nominee was a rotting hogturd, the only morally acceptable course right now would still be to all out fight for said turd.
No, the only morally acceptable course would be to put forward someone who can actually respond with some fucking vigor to the fascist lies. Instead, you spent last 4 years, head up ass of the corporations. We are in this mess because you liberals have zero fucking spine.
We are in this mess vecause tge anti-lib left claimed that gore was just as bad as Bush, and Hillary was just as bad as Trump. Yeah, right.
Those things are more true than not true. Sorry reality wasn't cooperative
100s of 1000s dead Iraquis would, i assume, beg to differ.
Hard to know how the Global War on Terror would play out with a Democrat to start it off. Given the current incumbent Democrat was an enthusiastic booster for the Iraq War hard to say that would have been avoided
That is a long and interesting debate to have! Thing is, it was a GOPchickenhawk cabinet, and Bush himself had a personal vendetta against S.Hussein. My assumption is that Gore would have gone harder into Afghanistan, with whatever results that would have had.
Both Gore personally and Democrats generally get painted as weak on foreign policy. It's hard to imagine a Gore Presidency that gets reelected in 2004 (would have to be absurdly hawkish). So we're really talking about can Gore fix the trajectory for a Bush or McCain 2004 term in late 2001-2004.
Kinda thinking no. He was unpopular and not very dynamic.
You may well be right, or shit may well have been chaotic enough. And of course, who knows what a potential MCain presidency would have wrought. My point is: Gore may well have been shit, but Bush was more evil and destructive than the mainstream acknowledges
Bush (and maybe it's more accurate to say Cheney) was probably the closest we got to a dictatorship, more damage done to institutions on his guard than any modern Presidency. There wasn't even an ICE to become our nascent SS before Bush. But the opportunity was there with or without him.