
I think this is the fundamental asymmetry underlying every aspect of the conflict between the parties; you see it in the Senate, in gerrymandering, in the use of executive power I don't want King Biden either, but it's long past time to make the GOP afraid of the consequences of endless escalation
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
Liberals are too up their own ass to make any moves that don't give more ground to fascism
And if the anti-lib left does not support the "libs" anyways, then fascism will win for sure. If the democratic nominee was a rotting hogturd, the only morally acceptable course right now would still be to all out fight for said turd.
No, the only morally acceptable course would be to put forward someone who can actually respond with some fucking vigor to the fascist lies. Instead, you spent last 4 years, head up ass of the corporations. We are in this mess because you liberals have zero fucking spine.
Supporting the turd is forced on everyone because of DNCs fucking incompetence, not because anyone actually wants to.
We are in this mess vecause tge anti-lib left claimed that gore was just as bad as Bush, and Hillary was just as bad as Trump. Yeah, right.
Of course, it's the peoples fault that instead of going with the demonstrably more popular, you guys went with an ancient oligarch that no one liked every single time. I will never forgive you for shunning Bernie in 2016, the light of humanity doesn't live in your soul and you will not reach nirvana
You assume I would not have preferred Bernie. You assume wrong, and you still miss the point.
You're in this mess because Democrats treat votes as an entitlement rather than something to be earned The people you're mad at are the registered Democrats who didn't show up in the first place
Y'all could've spent the years leading up to 2016 restoring voting rights to the millions of Black people disenfranchised by racist policing and various forms of vote suppression Y'all could've figured out a way to motivate the non-voters to show up But hey, blame "uppity minorities" instead 🤷‍♂️
Please show where *i* blamed "uppity minorities." Thank you. I blame those who refuse to understand the difference between shit and all out evil, then claim it's all the same shit, and then pretend that particular SCOTUS was unavoidable.
reposting with alt text detail
Those things are more true than not true. Sorry reality wasn't cooperative
100s of 1000s dead Iraquis would, i assume, beg to differ.
Hard to know how the Global War on Terror would play out with a Democrat to start it off. Given the current incumbent Democrat was an enthusiastic booster for the Iraq War hard to say that would have been avoided
is there really much of a difference between the one who lets it happen and the one who makes it happen? biden has a clear ticket out, but outright rejects it
You mean he should bow out? Or you mean he should use the SCOTUS judgnebt to go all out dark Brandon on trump, the court, and the GOP?
yes he should assassinate trump
I, too, like writing fan fiction that absolves myself of responsibility.
Running a new candidate requires: - figuring out who that will be - establishing a whole new national campaign for them - funding said campaign - advertising & traveling All in 16 weeks, and that's assuming the candidate is popular enough to beat a cult figure head GOP will vote lock-step for.
You don’t even have 16 weeks, because you won’t be on the ballot in all 50 states. The GOP would love to derail this before the vote. Plus skipping over Harris based on her being a Black woman will destroy the coalition.
Excellent point. And I’ve seen a number of leftists trash Harris as a “cop” due to her DA and Attorney General history and dismiss her under ACAB.
That’s driven me crazy for years. Prosecutors absolutely can (and often do) support cop bullshit, but they are two separate institutions, and there’s plenty of DAs who are also trying to do the right thing.
the same lines every single time. the rotting hogturds we keep being forced to vote for (and who frequently lose anyway) are responsible for the situation we're in. find a better turd
one starts to wonder if there isn't a secret third way to stop people from feeding us turds
You can fight for not having to vote for turds, and still, when faced with the threat of fascism, go for turd in order to be able to keep on fighting
ok,I hope that helps you sleep nights
Fascism is winning now, they're advancing their goals right now.
Yes they are, but anybody who can't imagine it all getting so much unbelievably worse is suffering from a terrifying lack of both imagination and historic knowledge.
Yes, it is getting worse right now, fascists are consolidating power right now, these next few months is the last chance for people with actual power to stop them. The fascists are not waiting for the election.
And now imagine them having every office at their disposal, every department, command over the military, and the claim of having an electoral majority. How is this not an "all hands on deck" scenario?
Not clear who you're talking to, because if you read what I'm writing, I agree. There's irreconcilable tension between you're assertion that that this is going to get worse and worse and that a sufficient solution is voting in November.