Scott Edelman

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Scott Edelman

Scott Edelman is a Stoker Award-nominated writer and Hugo Award-nominated editor of SF, fantasy & horror. And host of the Eating the Fantastic podcast! (He/Him)
Happy birthday to! Celebrate by joining us for dinner on an episode of my Eating the Fantastic podcast — and discover how the first Connie Willis story she read changed her brain, where she would head if time travel were real — plus much more.
That "only a cat" line is one I've seen before ... such as on this stone in Aspin Hill Memorial Park, a pet cemetery in Aspen Hill, Maryland. (There's a reason for the different spellings of "Aspin" and "Aspen," though I no longer remember what it is.)
Grateful today's test tells me I'm not (yet) one of the nine (that I know of) COVID-19 cases coming out of Readercon. I hope those suffering out there have mild symptoms and swift recoveries. And that my test tomorrow turns out similarly negative.
Sampled the audio from my meals with and during Readercon, and pleased with the way my Nomono Sound Capsule suppressed the ambient noise and boosted our voices. I hope you'll join us on future episodes of Eating the Fantastic!
Remembering the late Steve Stiles this morning, born on this date in 1943. Capturing his voice for Eating the Fantastic feels bittersweet, because it now seems strange to hear him utter his famous catchphrase: "Death is nature's way of telling you when to stop."
Pleased my second post-Readercon COVID-19 reflected negative results, as I had conversations there with at least two people who later turned out to test positive, one in a hotel hallway (masked), the other outside on the patio (unmasked). I'm hoping the rest of my post-con testing shows the same.
An unexpected headline brings me back to my childhood.
Donald Trump's VP pick in 2016: "I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?" So Vance knows exactly who Trump is, but is so power-hungry he doesn't care.
Happy birthday to T. E. D. Klein, former editor of Twilight Zone magazine and author of the critically acclaimed The Ceremonies. Join us on an episode of Eating the Fantastic and learn what eldritch action he took after buying a letter written by H. P. Lovecraft.
"The attempt on Trump’s life does nothing to change the reality that he is — in fact — running on an openly authoritarian platform."
You've just brought back memories from when I saw Frank Langella as Dracula on Broadway in the 1977 production with those amazing Edward Gorey sets. Those were even more of a star than he was.
My first post-Readercon COVID-19 test has turned out negative, which does much to relieve my anxiety, because I've already heard of two attendees who arrived home infected, including one with whom I was speaking unmasked on the patio. Here's hoping the next four daily tests deliver similar results.
I started my Sunday at Readercon with a healthy breakfast from Fratelli’s Pastry Shop, one I walked nearly three miles to ingest.
Considering starting my Readercon Sunday by walking 2.6 miles to Fratelli’s Bakery to inhale a cannoli. If you’re so foolish as to be awake this early, join me! See — I’m safe to be around!
My Saturday is over ... but my Readercon isn't! I hope you'll join the "Imaginary Book Club" tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. ... and then come to my reading at 11:00. Good night, all.
Fascinating lunch conversation during Readercon with at Pho Pasteur Vietnamese restaurant — one on which you’ll be able to eavesdrop during a future episode of my Eating the Fantastic podcast.
Saturday morning’s Readercon COVID-19 test tells me I continue to be positively negative, so I need not fear infecting my friends. Whew!
Recorded my first Readercon episode of Eating the Fantastic with this afternoon at Gennaro's Eatery to catch up on all he's done during the eight years since we last chatted for the podcast. I hope you'll join us when the episode goes live!
What I'll be doing the afternoon at Readercon: contending with a conundrum. I hope you'll join us at 4:00 p.m. as we attempt to solve the mystery of "I Don't Know Why I'm on This Panel!"
My Friday morning COVID-19 test is negative, which means I'm once again free to wander amidst my Readercon friends without fear of being Patient Zero for a mass spreader event. Let's all have a great day!
My Friday morning Readercon breakfast — a glazed blueberry donut from Donut King.
How I started my Friday at Readercon.
Though I’m at Readercon now, a piece of me is still back at StokerCon, remembering the wonderful meal I had with the award-winning writer And now you can join us as we chat and chew on the latest episode of my Eating the Fantastic podcast!
Happy birthday to Karen Osborne! Celebrate the date by joining us for a picnic on an episode of my Eating the Fantastic podcast — where you'll discover how the Clarion workshop taught her to let go of caring what other people think of her writing — and much more.
Irene Vartanoff and I spent the afternoon before Readercon catching up with old friends Deborah Newton and Paul Di Filippo in Providence, Rhode Island. Last time we were all together was pre-pandemic. Too, too long!
Pausing for pastries at Madrid European Bakery and Patisserie in Providence, Rhode Island.
Finally spotted my first one IRL, and yes, they ARE as ugly as I’ve heard.
My first onsite Readercon COVID-19 test is negative, so attendees need not fear me ... not that you'e going to encounter me unmasked, though, unless you find me out on the patio. See you all soon!
Only just now learned from the latest progress report that there'll be a one-woman show about James Tiptree, Jr. the Friday night of the con, which to me seems a can't miss, must see performance.
Happy birthday to the Nebula Award-winning writer! Why not celebrate by settling in for our episode of my Eating the Fantastic podcast, during which we chat about the importance of revisions, critique groups, and community?