Scott Edelman

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Scott Edelman

Scott Edelman is a Stoker Award-nominated writer and Hugo Award-nominated editor of SF, fantasy & horror. And host of the Eating the Fantastic podcast! (He/Him)
Wow, that is truly an amazing piece of writing.
Happy birthday to! Celebrate by joining us for dinner on an episode of my Eating the Fantastic podcast — and discover how the first Connie Willis story she read changed her brain, where she would head if time travel were real — plus much more.
I know! My COVID-19 count among friends is now 12. Two of whom I had dinner with Friday night, one I shared a panel with, and the others I spoke to either masked in the halls or maskless out on the patio. My three post-con morning tests have me as negative so far, and I hope that continues.
So sorry you had to experience that! And may I add that yes, you *are* "awesome on panels."
I have been. And I just saw another one over on Facebook, so that makes 12 I know personally ... including two of the six people I had dinner with Friday night.
Yikes! I personally know eleven by name. Whether all of those reported, I don't know, so I imagine the number is even higher.
According to Safety via the Discord, #ReaderCon2024 is up to 20 COVID cases so far. I personally don't know how many attended, so I can't give you percentages or anything.
I know of eleven personally.
That "only a cat" line is one I've seen before ... such as on this stone in Aspin Hill Memorial Park, a pet cemetery in Aspen Hill, Maryland. (There's a reason for the different spellings of "Aspin" and "Aspen," though I no longer remember what it is.)
Grateful today's test tells me I'm not (yet) one of the nine (that I know of) COVID-19 cases coming out of Readercon. I hope those suffering out there have mild symptoms and swift recoveries. And that my test tomorrow turns out similarly negative.
As my head hits the pillow Tuesday night, the count of Readercon attendees I know of who tested positive for COVID-19 has just risen to eight. That number includes two dining companions plus one co-panelist. Here’s hoping my Wednesday morning test doesn’t have me joining them.
Sampled the audio from my meals with and during Readercon, and pleased with the way my Nomono Sound Capsule suppressed the ambient noise and boosted our voices. I hope you'll join us on future episodes of Eating the Fantastic!
Alas, it's seven by my count, two of whom were part of my Friday night dinner outing. I was negative this morning, and hope tomorrow morning will yield the same result.
Pleased with the results of today's latest post-cataract surgery checkup, for my vision is now 20/20. As a glasses wearer since the age of 8, this feels ... strange. Oh, I need them to read small print, but to be able to walk in the rain and not have to constantly wipe them down is amazing.
That's great to hear. I imagine Boston fandom is sharing them.
In addition to masking being required in con spaces (though I can’t speak to the karaoke), Readercon is the only con where I’ve seen Corsi-Rosenthal boxes. There was at least one in each meeting room, plus several along the hallway between banks of meeting rooms. Readercon deserves kudos for that.
So sorry to hear that! I hope you have a speedy recovery.
The current count of COVID-19 cases I know of coming out of Readercon has now hit six. I tested negative this morning, and hope my testing will continue to show me as negative tomorrow. If you were there in Quincy, too, I hope you're doing OK.
I hope your symptoms are mild and recovery swift!
Remembering the late Steve Stiles this morning, born on this date in 1943. Capturing his voice for Eating the Fantastic feels bittersweet, because it now seems strange to hear him utter his famous catchphrase: "Death is nature's way of telling you when to stop."
Pleased my second post-Readercon COVID-19 reflected negative results, as I had conversations there with at least two people who later turned out to test positive, one in a hotel hallway (masked), the other outside on the patio (unmasked). I'm hoping the rest of my post-con testing shows the same.
J.D. Vance saw the truth about Donald Trump in 2016 when he wrote: "Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us." He was right then as he is wrong now.
The not-so-kind things J.D. Vance said about Trump before he was VP Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) is a staunch supporter of Donald Trump, but that wasn’t always the case for the former president’s new running mate.
Hope things continue to be positively negative for you! My test this morning was also negative.
An unexpected headline brings me back to my childhood.
True. It isn't truly possible to know who gave what to whom when or where. All of the infections might have occurred while traveling to the con, or out at a restaurant. But that doesn't make me any less nervous about a certain unmasked conversation I had with one of the infected on the patio.
Yikes! Is it up to three now? Last I heard was two. I tested negative this morning and hope you have, too. Will test again in the morning, of course!
Now that I'm home from Readercon, I totaled up this year's submission stats to see where I currently stand thanks to that sale made during the con. I'm currently at 31 rejections vs. seven sales, compared to my 82 rejections vs. three sales for 2023 and 70 rejections vs. 13 sales for 2022.
Donald Trump's VP pick in 2016: "I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?" So Vance knows exactly who Trump is, but is so power-hungry he doesn't care.
I've heard of two so far. Do you know whether that number has grown?
I've also heard the UK tests are ... better? I don't know how or why, but I have a vague memory of that. Guess I should investigate.