
Believing the myth that Universal Basic Income will lead many of us to quit our jobs is like believing a safety net encourages high-wire performers to fall purposely. UBI doesn't take away the incentive to work; it's about providing a foundation from which we can all aim higher.
Giving people dignity to be self sustained…
The only ones pushing that narrative are the bosses who know people WILL quit low paying jobs if they're not treated well, and the uneducated fools who also think that taxes are theft and roads/services just get performed by the government's wishes upon a star
It's like that old argument against the NHS... if we reward sick people for getting sick by treating them then there's no incentive for them to be well
With AI penetrating everything, UBI will keep us all living decent lives. Less crimes, better health, social cohesion…
It’s acknowledging that wealth must circulate & re-circulate to be effective. In 1964, 17 hands touched every dollar until the super wealthy vacuumed it up. Today, between 3 & 4 hands touch that same dollar. We’ve got to spread the money around or why even have it?
Same with barn/farm cats. Well-fed ones, i.e. healthier ones, catch more mice. No, you don’t starve them thinking that makes them work harder.
Well, it might make shit jobs seem less attractive. Or it could be a subsidy for shit jobs. Or more concisely: it’s not a panacea.
This looks like a problem for the "shit" jobs. And we could argue about what makes a job "shit". For example being underpaid makes any job shit.
Here in Italy something like that (not universal and calculated on numerous factors) was attempted. "Obviously" it was the reason nobody wanted to work anymore especially in restaurants and/or seasonal jobs. So it was taken away. But lo and behold, those people still can't find anybody
I may be wrong here but it looks connected to that strange phenomenon where immigrants who are stealing our jobs are the same immigrants that are lazy and come here to steal the welfare... It always happen around the time they ask for fair pay and equal treatment
Yes, that's definitely part of what I'm getting at. Too often UBI is proposed as a fix for what amounts to underpaying people.
It's easy to underpay people when people need money to live and any money is better than no money.
It seems to me that people criticize UBI for not being a panacea when it's not actually being proposed as a panacea.
Yes and no. It's unfair to expect UBI to solve all ills, but that is often the marketing, particularly as you move rightwards along the political spectrum and into the libertarian domains. Which is why I'm suspicious of UBI without UBS or other welfare programs.
Yes, that is the economic design. A certain proportion of the population need to be desperate and starving to make that shit wage look good. And I'd argue that this design is bad and patches don't address bad design.
It does a lot more than that. It also gives money to non-workers: kids, the elderly, the disabled, caregivers. You cannot mathematically tackle poverty by simply regulating shit jobs to pay better. The distribution of non-workers across households will not allow out.
Yes, that is true. But I never suggested otherwise. This is also the argument I'd make for UBS and general social state support of needs.
Hear, hear, but I have one cautionary note: we must produce less to survive the ecological emergency, so UBI * should be* part of a plan to allow less production (or less "work"/jobs). A German friend opposes UBI in Germany out of fear it will lead to more consumption as people stay at same jobs.
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