Fred Nurk

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Fred Nurk

Straya. Just your everyday bloke. Yeah, right.

[email protected]
The everliving fuck is this "renewable gas" BS ? The only renewable thing is the goddamn dollar signs in the eyes of fossil fuel companies + Masterchef.
Renewable gas. Change for The future of Australian gas is renewable. Find out how, why and when it will happen.
If only 41% believe that climate change is a serious problem in Australia, what does it take? "41% (down four since August 2023 and down ten since October 2021) said climate change is a serious problem and we should take action now even if that involves significant costs." #auspol #climate
Nuclear has higher support than I was expecting. The significant preference for renewables over other power generation methods is surprising too (voters need to start putting their feels into demand for action tho)
Labor gains in Newspoll as Australians narrowly oppose the Coalition’s nuclear energy While Labor has a small bump in the polls, the prime minister’s net approval rating has hit its lowest point this year. But voters are more disapproving of Peter Dutton.
Killing the BOM: "These changes have made meteorologists particularly incensed by the fact the aviation division is now being used to do contract work for the resources sector. In all, the Bureau of Meteorology provides services to 32 fossil fuel clients." 32 fossil fuel clients.
Exclusive: BoM staff redirected to work for fossil fuel The Bureau of Meteorology is facing internal dissent after it seconded forecasters from its overstretched aviation unit to provide contract services to mining companies.
"Ohanian has been funding climate-related projects started by young founders via a grant program modelled after the Thiel Fellowship". "Sasankh Munukutla’s company, which is developing satellite and AI-based systems for gigaton scale soil carbon sequestration verification" 🗑️🔥
In MasterClass' biggest tradition of "assholes and war criminals explain things", they've now got Alexis Ohanian explaining How To Make A Startup
Regenerating Soil at Stanford co-founders are betting on the farm with soil-based carbon removal.
If only we could learn from these continuous studies and apply them... #universalbasicincome
Fresh results from yet another successful basic income pilot. This time in Baltimore where 200 young parents received $1k/mo. After one year compared to control: Employment rates ⬆️ Incomes from work ⬆️ College and trade school ⬆️ Living with parents ⬇️
Let me make it easy and paraphrase: we're so, so fucked. "“The overall pattern here is clear — it’s not just in this decision — the court majority is on a rampage designed to make it harder for the government to protect us,” Doniger said." The govt is protecting you? Yeah, right. Australia: #auspol
It's hard to explain how widespread the repercussions of overturning Chevron deference will be. Even if you narrow the scope down to tech policy, you're left wrangling a super-explainer on a friday afternoon
What SCOTUS just did to net neutrality, the right to repair, the environment, and The end of Chevron deference will touch on everything from broadband policy to climate change.
Universities specializing in mis/dis info + publishing on climate (I'm looking at you, MIT, Melbourne Uni, UQ) also have fossil fuel funding. They'll also have people *so* dedicated to climate. And you wonder why we're so fuct.
After 1.5 years, a Stanford Committee recommends continuing to take fossil fuel money for climate research. In a total own-goal, the report points out similarities btw this decision & Stanford's vote to keep taking tobacco $$ in 2007.
"We look away, change the subject, whether we’re an NGO like Australian Conservation Foundation in the mid 80s, or Australian Environment Council, anyone really. We’re still doing it. Instead of looking at the horror, we talk about more renewables as if that’s the solution." #auspol #climatesky
"Lower carbon emissions" 🤔🤨😂 Dodgy govt accounting at its finest...
AU Labor achievements since 2022
And... How did it make you feel, Jeff?
that time i had a capybara as a therapist
Because activism about fossil fuels is so misguided given the vast amount of renewables in Australias energy production right? Right? RIGHT? *sighs* #auspol #climate #fossilfuels
The Fin's editorial line in response to its own story yesterday that Japan was using Australian gas for geopolitical advantage: "What this shows is that Japan’s on-selling should not fuel the misguided climate activism that asserts that no new gas projects are needed in Australia."
Gee, if only we had a universal basic income instead of billionaires and needless poverty related deaths around the world. #auspol #usapol
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
Reposted byAvatar Fred Nurk
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
Who can prove that Australia is any different? The white rural turn toward reactionary politics... Amazing what Gina, BHP + co can achieve... #auspol #ausgov fyi
i have largely stopped arguing about this on social media because it isn’t fruitful, but this finding gets to why you should be skeptical of theories that try to sideline or excise race from an explanation of the white rural turn toward reactionary politics
Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans | Cornell Researchers have found that when it comes to politics, Black and Latino residents of rural America differ far less, if at all, from their urban counterparts than do non-Hispanic white residents.
We want AI to do the dealing with people we hate, and the shopping and cooking and cleaning and remembering what's in the fridge, not fulfilling creative pursuits.
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT
Wondering, which Australian company has the largest uranium deposit in the world? How much money have they shoveled into the far right and anti renewables rhetoric? Coal free? In Australia? How are we removing coal from production in a meaningful way?
Of course the LNP's plan to nuke energy affordability is completely deadassed, but what dipshit thought a nuclear reactor in Muja makes sense of all places? Western Australia will be coal-free this decade. What the fuck is a nuke in 2040-something going to do? Nuking Muja is a real special idea. 🔌💡
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hm, kinda noticing a pattern that the people boosting the 'ai' scam are all astonishingly rich. yes of course we should unquestioningly trust them Pichai: ~$2 billion Tim Cook: ~$2.2 billion Nadella: ~$1 billion Huang: ~$115 billion Zuckerberg: ~$176 billion etc
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Reposted byAvatar Fred Nurk
I want everyone to understand that JobSeeker in Australia is so low it is driving homelessness, anxiety, depression and exacerbating all health issues with the stress it causes. It is political will that keeps it so low. Currently Australia’s JobSeeker payment is the lowest in all OECD countries.
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"His office did not answer questions about whether the victims of Robodebt would consider the fact Ms Musolino was allowed to resign from her role at Services Australia to be "justice"." So much for "heads will roll" re: a royal commission. #robodebt
Avatar re: mental health service delivery, do tell me, because it's one hell of an oxymoron for yrs truly.
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While attempting to purchase a condo, I learned that the seller did not want to sell a home to me because I am Black. You can read the full article in The New York Times, written by Debra Kamin, with photos by Erin Schaff here:
She Made an Offer on a Condo. Then the Seller Learned She Was A Black woman claims a white homeowner tried to pull out of a sale because of her race.
"Pace of renewables is off." Wondering if you might have another way of describing the icing on the fucked up fossil fueled cake of bullshittery: #auspol
Pace of renewables is off. From mid-December 2023 to late May 2024 there was a drought of commissioning of renewable projects through the Clean Energy Regulator. The Qld LNP through David Littleproud has pledged to tear up federal renewable contracts. #auspol
Wind and solar drought: First new renewable projects join grid after six month Two new wind and solar farms and a big battery have entered grid management system. Astonishingly, they are the first in six months as a result of development drought.
Dr Raven not only has an incredible name for a woman of color who is a molecular biologist. When 50% of renters are financially struggling in the USA, kudos to her for getting where she is today. Hope the publicity gets her a home. 🧪 🏠 #blacksky
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Fascinating reporting at the intersection of climate change and fertility: “In 13 states, more than half of fertility clinics are at risk of hurricane damage”
Four lost pregnancies. Five weeks of IVF injections. One Climate disasters are threatening access to IVF and other forms of fertility treatment.
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If there's one thing that generative AI Training demonstrates, it is how vulnerable Creative Commons licensing - and other open source licenses - left small creators. And how thoroughly it has stacked the deck in favor of the large content creators. Thread: 🧵⚖️