
When you realize that right this instant as the boomers begin to die in significant numbers and their houses are sold to pay for their end-of-life care, rental firms are kicking their feet in delight at the prospect of a future where housing has been effectively privatized in the west.
In many ways we already live in that world, but the last gasp is here.
yeah my parents were like "we read an article about how your generation is going to be rich soon because you'll be inheriting all the real estate of our generation" and I laughed and pointed out that they're home is underwater and they'll still owe money for another 30 years and yeah
and they COULD have passed all that sht down and had everything sorted before they needed extended end-of-life care BUT NOOOOO "I'm gonna live forever" and "Don't tell me to get rid of stuff in my own house!" etc. A whole generation of the most selfish non-planning ever. La Vida Loca at 80.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how Western socioeconomics are built in colonial extraction and with no new lands to conquer all it can do is cannibalize itself because there’s nothing left to eat.
currently there are 61,964 rental homes whose tenants pay rent to a company that owns neil young's back catalog
It's real cool because my dad is getting up there in years and some broad swept in at the last moment and he's heavily implied he's leaving everything to her. That's if stuff isn't sold to pay for medical bills if something happens.
I'm living in a dilapidated place that's about a third of the size of the sq foot of his and his response was "well that's the breaks." even though I have an advanced degree and my partner has a successful career but we can't afford to improve or move out.
If my husband and I ever sell our house, I hope there's a way to stipulate that the buyer has to be, like, an actual family or something. Fuck landlords of all kinds.