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a column of ants is a dragon
this is it
I don't think motivation is an important thing in working out. It goes away, it vanishes on shitty days, it's literally not able to be kept up for 2 solid years. You know what does? Habit. You have to be powerfully motivated to *break* a habit, zero to just do it.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
I don't think motivation is an important thing in working out. It goes away, it vanishes on shitty days, it's literally not able to be kept up for 2 solid years. You know what does? Habit. You have to be powerfully motivated to *break* a habit, zero to just do it.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Me: the pontypool semantic virus is not real, it can't hurt you You: mm ice cream so good yes yes ice cream so good Me: oh no
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
I think a while ago a known-to-everyone-to-be-false rumor like "JD Vance fucks a couch" would have people coming out being like "this is so dishonest! we're better than this!" but after 8 years of dealing with these fucking people, literally everyone on our side is just like "who cares fuck them"
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
There weren't any stairs, so you had to climb down with a ladder. The basement had walls with drywall, wallpaper, electric outlets and switches, etc. It looked *done*. But it was just a confusing maze of hallways.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
As I've said, I grew up in a place where basically everywhere was an abandoned place. We didn't have, couldn't have, "the abandoned place every teen goes to."
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Nurses would share stories of having to herd residents back inside at 3am, after they'd wandered out and tried to follow their high school crush into the forest
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
"criticism centered on her race" If only the English language had a word for that!
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
trumpists want you to lose your job in a recession
p740 Eliminate “full employment” from the Fed’s mandate, requiring it to focus on price stability alone.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Wild that a political party is just straight up running on go ahead, fire all the Blacks.
p708 Treat the participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiative, without objecting on constitutional or moral grounds, as per se grounds for termination of employment.
the fuck?
p664 The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Tartarus is a 10-issue Image Comics series that somehow flopped at marketing so hard that there's not even a Wikipedia entry for it. Get it together, Tartarus. People need to know! Afrofuturist sci-fi with the visual creativity of a '70s French BD. Check out this sick art by Jack T. Cole
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Goddamn. Just watched Harris’ rally break out into a spontaneous “NOT GOING BACK!” chant followed by Beyoncé’s “Freedom”. Forgot how fun it used to feel to be excited and inspired back at the beginning of the Obama campaign in ‘08. Maybe had feared things were too cynical to get there again.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
This reminds me of a technique Obama pollsters used to suss out whether voters had a racist bias against Obama. They’d ask the voter whether they thought their neighbor would vote for a Black president. It turned out to be a good proxy.
Dear "I'm not racist but it needs to be an open convention because Kamala will lose because of racists" people: Sort yourselves out. Sincerely, etc
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
the gop has been eating free for years on nobody engaging them on how weird their shit is and treating them like what they’re into is just normal political disagreements and having to swim upstream this suddenly after those muscles have atrophied is a serious psychological advantage against them
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
If you are into any game design (I personally bounce off solo games), you need to read Czege's output. His last essay-zine made me completely rethink how I approach narrative. His games have helped create some of the most profound moments in over 30yrs of gaming. Get on this, solo-gamer or not!
Yooooo solo gamers and the solo-curious: guest writer Slade Stolar interviewed @paulczege.bsky.social about his current Kickstarter campaign for Inscapes. Good interview, interesting stuff about the bleeding edge of journal-style solo games. Read it here:
Guest Interview: Paul Czege - The Indie Game Reading Clubwww.indiegamereadingclub.com Note from Paul: This week we have guest writer Slade Stolar’s interview with long-time indie Notable Paul Czege. Czege has a Kickstarter for Inscapes, a zine sequel to The Ink That Bleeds, both about ...
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
people are really out here saying Bluesky users are living in a fantasy bubble because we are criticizing the NYT coverage of the election, meanwhile, this is what the Times is publishing today even after Harris has 100% locked up the nomination
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
I get that the coconut tree thing is kinda funny and super innocent in origin but considering that coconut is literally what we call the desi version of an uncle tom and that she is literally half indian I just can't do it lol y'all gonna have to carry this meme without me
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
OPINION COLUMNIST FREAKS: the DNC canNOT be a coronation. Instead, Pitbull and Chef Bobby Flay will lead candidates on a Kitchen Showdown that w VOTERS: whose the fucking nominee. who is it. just tell us who it fucking is. it's Kamala? terrific, here is forty six million dollars
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
It's a very good day.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Happy to see the timeline united again
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Elizabeth Warren: "I endorse Kamala Harris for president."
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Harris is a really strong candidate. She's got real energy, effortlessly positive vibes, can easily draw on the positive aspects of the current admin, have her own views to deviate from bits of the admin she isn't on board with, and she's running against one of the worst candidates in US history.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Now the chickenshits got what they wanted, can they stop with the fucking loser talk?
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
No. We're not fucked. There's no giving up, because if we do THEN we're fucked. Don't just give the fuckers the win, now or ever. Fight for yourself, fight for the people you care about, fight for the people who will be even more fucked than you will be. Be pissed that you have to fight. But fight.
We're so fucked.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
A good terminator movie: John and Sarah watch, tearfully, as Arnold lowers himself into the molten metal. The moment his thumb submerges, John vanishes in a puff of logic. No skynet, no Kyle Reese, no John.
The infuriating thing about the smoke-filled back room machine Democrats trying to force Biden out (against our primary votes) is that these are the same motherfuckers who ABSOLUTELY INSISTED it had to be Biden in 2020. Not Warren. Not Bernie. Had to be someone boring, centrist. A Return to Normal.
Reposted byAvatar enantiomer
This, a million times. If voting were really pointless and futile, there would be no voter suppression attempts. Stop parroting the propaganda of people who hate you because you think Nihilism-For-Suckers makes you sound wise.
and high res, for your stickering needs