andrew W

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andrew W

catch me out there fighting for scraps of clout in your replies

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I'm at my most "the woke left wants to take all of your rights away" because yeah people shouldn't have these
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Rascal is launching its first pledge drive! We are a worker-owned, reader-supported outlet; we don't sell ads, data, or information. We just write about games. Here are some ways to support the drive and keep three bardpunk dirtbag journos writing about TTRPGs:
dudes will see this and say hell yeah
I just watched a heron absolutely house a crawfish out of the ditch near my house
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Reposted byAvatar andrew W
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Reposted byAvatar andrew W
"I want to hear a man play a banjo in a way that suggests he has seen the devil"
Shit like this and the opening theme for Old Gods of Appalachia make me mad that I spent so long avoiding country music because of how bad most of the commercial stuff is. I want to hear a man play a banjo in a way that suggests he has seen the devil
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"here's why me being a weirdo that makes people uncomfortable actually proves my point"
This is all true about me in real life
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Reposted byAvatar andrew W
Even if I let the first one in I would STILL let another one in because I will NEVER allow the wickedness of betrayal to snuff out the joy and trust in my heart ♥
Everything I know about myself tells me that I would have fallen for the Trojan Horse.
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Reposted byAvatar andrew W
America has long-since decided that corporate “freedom” is more important than protecting the planet and its citizens from the consequences of that freedom. “Let them cook” except “them” is “us” and “cook” is actually cook, but in the context of setting the planet on fire.
You can totally be like "you can't touch this" but you really shouldn't have to because in no world should a guest assume by default that they can just fucking touch everything in your house, that's insane
"when someone invites me into their home, I should get to trample dog shit on their carpet if I want to. They should abandon all of the ways they want to treat their own home for me. That's just basic hospitality on their part."
I'll take any excuse not to go to work AND to eat a hot dog, that's a win win right there team
I get why people are like "the 4th of July sucks, screw this country" but I know that if I don't get a day off work soon I'm going to lose my shit irreparably so feel free to have dorky little America cookouts and stuff as long as I still get my federal holiday out of it.
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I’ve been shitposting since my parents got that box of magnetic poetry for the fridgerator
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It’s 2040. You have a mild fever, live in the US and still don’t have health insurance, so you go to your local Amazon Clinic. You wait 18 hours to see a doctor. It’s an AI. It tells you your fever can be broken by subscribing to Pharmacy+ and getting one singular Tylenol. Your total bill is $900k
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why would you ever log into a app called “discord.” that’s just asking for trouble. you’ll find me over on “eharmony”
RIP to a fantastic actor, love to see him pop up in literally anything. My wife makes me watch Pride and Prejudice like 100+ times a year, and we always love seeing Donald constantly do shit like this to hide his distractingly perfect and period inappropriate blinding white veneers. What a guy!
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i think the "*x thing* would instantly kill a victorian child" meme is incorrect, i think the victorian children could handle it, but i do think a cool ranch dorito (for example) WOULD instantly kill H.P. Lovecraft
Just finished's newest book Cuckoo and am in an absolute daze, could not put it down. After Manhunt a lot of people were asking can she do it again. Well folks,,,,,
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I know that this article is about hellish systemic discrimination, but the quotes from this mother about her trans daughter are so refreshing. The simple human kindness on display really throws the hysteria behind the backlash into great relief. Transphobia is truly for fucking weirdos
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
I know that this article is about hellish systemic discrimination, but the quotes from this mother about her trans daughter are so refreshing. The simple human kindness on display really throws the hysteria behind the backlash into great relief. Transphobia is truly for fucking weirdos
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
If the shorts aren't slutty they simply aren't worth wearing
seeing lots of men wearing slutty shorts this summer we’re so back
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I am against capital punishment but I think they should publicly execute exactly one phone scammer just to see how I feel about it then
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If that’s your man why is he dashing back and forth in front of me flashing a dazzling array of colours