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no nonsense
nuclear accelerationist | internet provocateur

My NAFO Feed:
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A transaction has been made. My offline fella wanted to donate in cash to and got a patch in return. Pixeling out our faces got a little out of hand though.
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For the last ten hours, we collected only $100. So far, we raised $3270 out of $7800. But, there is good news! One very generous person offered to make a $1000 matching donation! It means that when we collect $1000, they will send another thousand. Please, let’s do it today! 🙏
My friend Sergei reached out for help! His unit urgently needs holographic and laser sights and power magnifiers. Without it, they struggle and suffer losses, and the enemy uses it to their advantage. I hope we can help! The goal is $7800. PayPal: [email protected]
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Eines unserer Pferde hat Asthma. Wir suchen jemand an der Küste (Nordsee, Ostsee, Dänemark), der sie kostenlos nimmt. Sie ist eine 14 Jahre alte Rappstute, schlank, langbeinig, leicht hinten überbaut, super Abstammung (Asi frá Lundum II, Fyörgyn Frau Kjarnholtum I), gute klar getrennte Gänge,
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Yesterday’s #ToonieTuesday results are in… 🥁🥁🥁 $5000 Raised for BOTH Mavics w/ extra 💵 for🔋 Thanks to everyone of YOU 🫵🏻 who supported, donated & reposted our fundraiser 💙💛 If you missed yesterday & still want to take part it’s now… 😇 Orthodox Toonie Tuesday 😇
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No forgiveness. 10 years ago, Russia shot down flight #MH17, killing 298 people, incl. 80 children. 3 men were sentenced to life imprisonment in absentia & never handed over. Our fault: not having taken action at the time. The Russian war has been going on for over 10 years. Moscow must be defeated.
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Hallo, liebe alle! 👋🏼 Nachdem meine Mitbewohnerin im September mit ihrem Freund zusammenzieht, muss ich aus meiner WG raus. Die Hausverwaltung hat gestern entschieden, dass ich die Wohnung nicht übernehmen darf, sondern ihre Verwandtschaft sie bekommt. 🙄 Also suche ich jetzt... 🧵 1/x
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📢 #NAFOfellas! Welcome a new fella! Fighting windmills? No, fighting russian disinfo🔥 @MarzMerco's Don Quichotte fella is here. Thanks for supporting Ukraine. 💙💛🫶 P.S.: Do YOU wanna get your own fella? Have a look here: @fellarequests (on Xwitter) #NafoExpansionIsNonNegotiable #felladelivery
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#NAFO #toonietuesday Just $300 missing for the 2nd MAVIC‼️ No amount is too small - Ignoring and doing nothing is NO option!
#NAFO It's orthodox #toonietuesday!! Just $300 missing for the 2nd MAVIC, C'mon Fellas, it's for the 123rd Crimean Tatars& Ukrainians and it will save lives! - Let's double our efforts
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Exactly 10 years ago. Russia shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine with a BUK surface to air missile. All 298 passengers and crew, of which 196 Dutch people, were killed. A black day. The world will never forget.. 🕯️
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My friend Sergei reached out for help! His unit urgently needs holographic and laser sights and power magnifiers. Without it, they struggle and suffer losses, and the enemy uses it to their advantage. I hope we can help! The goal is $7800. PayPal: [email protected]
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#Fellas #NAFO Distress call
My friend Sergei reached out for help! His unit urgently needs holographic and laser sights and power magnifiers. Without it, they struggle and suffer losses, and the enemy uses it to their advantage. I hope we can help! The goal is $7800. PayPal: [email protected]
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Drone fundraiser. These Toonie Tuesday fundraisers are a big help to Ukraine in their war against russia. Please consider donating.
It’s #ToonieTuesday!!! Today we support 123rd battalion Crimean Tatars & Ukrainians as they raise funds for 2 Mavic surveillance drones 🚁 This unit is entirely crowdfunded & needs🙏🏻 Donate £2 €2 $2 & 📬 a screenshot in replies & repost 🙏🏻 🅿️ay🅿️al: [email protected]
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It’s #ToonieTuesday!!! Today we support 123rd battalion Crimean Tatars & Ukrainians as they raise funds for 2 Mavic surveillance drones 🚁 This unit is entirely crowdfunded & needs🙏🏻 Donate £2 €2 $2 & 📬 a screenshot in replies & repost 🙏🏻 🅿️ay🅿️al: [email protected]
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Wollt ihr etwas an demokratischer Bildung weiterarbeiten? Die Schülerbeteiligungsapp aula erhält ein neues Update und ihr könnt uns helfen, indem ihr es mit testet! Besonders, wenn ihr Jugendliche kennt, die noch nie mit aula zu tun hatten. Infos und Anmeldung hier:
aula-test |
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Es ist offiziell: JD Vance, der Trump einmal als „Amerikas Hitler“ bezeichnete, ist jetzt sein Vizepräsidentschaftskandidat. Weshalb Vance? Vance verharmlost den 6. Januar und hatte verkündet, er hätte, anders als Mike Pence, die Zertifizierung des Wahlergebnisses 2020 gestoppt.
'Pro-Life' Theater, Open White Nationalism, and Virility Fear — Day 3 of The closing day of NatCon 2024 (day 3) opened with a benediction by Reverend Uriesou Brito: a Christian nationalist, staunch defender of Doug Wilson, and Senior Pastor of Providence Church in Pensacol...
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@noahopinion Europe and America: Did a lot to cause global warming, but will escape the worst consequences Asia and the Middle East: Did a lot to cause global warming, and will suffer the consequences Africa: Didn't do much to cause global warming, but will suffer severe consequences
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My latest piece → The Bavarian defence start-up Donaustahl has announced that it will donate Maus loitering munition platforms to #Ukraine, with the first user being the Special Unit HUR MO Kraken of the Main Directorate of Intelligence.
Donaustahl donates Maus loitering munition platforms to Ukraine | Fast. Informed. - The Bavarian defence start-up Donaustahl donates Maus loitering munition platforms to Ukraine, with the first user being the HUR MO Kraken.
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Nach "Darf man böse zu Nazis sein? Nazis sind auch Menschen" kommt nun "Darf man Nazi Hetzblätter verbieten? Was wenn Nazis auch unliebsame Publikationen verbieten, wenn sie Macht haben". Ja keine Ahnung, was ich dazu noch sagen soll.
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So far, we raised only $330…I’ve never seen a fundraiser moving so slowly. I don’t know what’s the matter, and it upsets me a lot because Sergei relies on me, on all of us, for help. He is risking his life and doing the work none of us wants to do. Please consider donating! 🙏
My friend Sergei reached out for help! His unit urgently needs holographic and laser sights and power magnifiers. Without it, they struggle and suffer losses, and the enemy uses it to their advantage. I hope we can help! The goal is $7800. PayPal: [email protected]
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🚨🚨🚨With matching now! Did I mention matching?
This raffle is still happening! Check out the great prizes.
Please share Daryas Fundraiser, #Fellas. And donate if you can. 🫶
My friend Sergei reached out for help! His unit urgently needs holographic and laser sights and power magnifiers. Without it, they struggle and suffer losses, and the enemy uses it to their advantage. I hope we can help! The goal is $7800. PayPal: [email protected]
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#NAFO and Ukraine supporters on Bluesky, please help! I don’t have much reach here and need your help to amplify this fundraiser! Thank you! 💙💛
My friend Sergei reached out for help! His unit urgently needs holographic and laser sights and power magnifiers. Without it, they struggle and suffer losses, and the enemy uses it to their advantage. I hope we can help! The goal is $7800. PayPal: [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar seggl
This raffle is still happening! Check out the great prizes.
Raffle from with items by her,, and me! As well as the GRAND PRIZE: We have a handmade bag by Ukrainian artist @crimson_august. #Okhmatdyt Hospital suffered MILLIONS in damage. No donation is too small. ALL prizes are HANDMADE.
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I’ve said this a million times, but I’m genuinely frightened about what Musk’s fascist propaganda network is doing to do to our politics. I really wish someone, anyone, would come up with a collective strategy to get journalists, organizers and elected officials off the platform.
Dipping back into Twitter to lurk on assassination stuff and truly, from the bottom of my heart, unless you have massively curated lists, no one in media or politics should be microwaving their neurons on there.
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time for my bi-monthly recruitment efforts..and I just realized I only have 5 'join NAFO' memes.. I would love to have a couple more, if any #Fellas have any good ones.. #NafoExpansionIsNonNegotiable
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Respected f/raiser Vitalli is trying to get over the finish line. An evacuation car for 3rd Separate Assault Brigade. Your donation will get it there 💪🇺🇦 Pls RT so more ppl see. 🚙 2,815 $ to collect ✅️ 5,935 $ 🎯 8,750 $ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️ 68%
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22 бригада отримала 105 протикомариних свічок Monobank PayPal: [email protected] 💙💛💲 #збір #волонтери #ЗСУ #окопнісвічки #Одеса
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#Fellas, Ukraine’s ambassador brought this as an art installation to #EURO2024. Seats from the Kharkiv stadium built for the 2012 Euros, destroyed by russian shells in 2022.
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