Sergio Perez

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Sergio Perez

Chief of Accountability & Oversight for L.A. City Controller.

Latinx civil rights attorney fighting for a more just and fair Los Angeles.

Views are mine.
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Leticia shares this pic of a cold work day in Oxnard CA. Because of recent rainstorms she wears rubber boots to make the muddy rows less slippery as she picks the strawberries from both sides of the raised beds. Her back ached from spending hours bent over.
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Effective today, California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all eligible undocumented adults. This population contributes more than $3 billion in local and state taxes annually, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy:
California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all eligible undocumented Undocumented adults become eligible for Medi-Cal, a state health insurance program, under a new California law that takes effect Jan. 1, 2024.
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Dorothy Parker to Robert Benchley, December 31, 1929. Happy New Year!
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Everyone’s focusing on what a moral void Kissinger was and I’m afraid we’ll lose sight of what a mediocre, myopic mind he actually had as opposed to the brilliant mainframe of a brain we were assured he had.
Mexico City eats do not disappoint.
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Phone calls will finally be free for people in the LA jails, starting Dec. 1!! The county has been talking about doing this since at least 2021 and now they finally amended the phone contract so it's a reality.
Los Angeles County makes inmate phone calls free starting Dec. After two false starts, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approves a contract that will allow inmates to phone home for free as of Dec. 1
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Joanna Levesque works multiple jobs and still struggles to afford phone calls with her incarcerated partner. She often finds herself skipping meals. She says she is “beyond excited” about the reform that is making calls free in Massachusetts prisons.
Massachusetts Is Making Communications Free for Incarcerated People - Editor’s note (Nov. 16): Governor Maura Healey signed this legislation into law this week, making phone calls for incarcerated people free in Massachusetts. Healey in August sent the reform back... Read More
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Michigan is poised to adopt the first law in the nation that would automatically register people to vote as they leave prison. The bill, adopted last week by lawmakers, is now on Governor Gretchen Whitmer's desk. New in Bolts:
Michigan Law Would Be First to Automatically Register People to Vote As They Leave The legislature passed a bill last week that would expand automatic voter registration in a number of other ways, and likely add many new Michiganders to voter rolls.
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Everyone ready to vote tomorrow?
Ady and I went to law school together, and even as a student he was a humbling/inspiring example of how to live your values fearlessly in the service of others. If you can, please contribute to the gofundme for his family:
In Memory of Ady Barkan, organized by Lucy Our dear friend and real-life hero, Ady Barkan, died November 1 at age 39 from complications of ALS… Lucy King needs your support for In Memory of Ady Barkan
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A great deep dive into the records of Oath Keepers serving in the Chicago Police Dept. When investigated in 2021, we found more members on that force than in the police depts of NYC and LA combined. Which should prompt some questions.
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Never EVER forget that we have food to eat because people work their tails off to farm it. Scroll through UFW's posts and read the bios. These workers literally keep us fed. They deserve so much better than what they get, esp when it comes to pay.
Maria has worked for 20 years cutting and packing lettuce in Gonzalez CA. She is a single mother of 2 who works 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week. Farm work is not easy but she is thankful for the year round honorable work she has to make a better future for her family. #WeFeedYou
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In all the obits of Dianne Feinstein I'm genuinely shocked at the absence of credit being given for the CIA torture investigation, arguably her most unquestionable accomplishment
Dianne Feinstein vs. the To expose the torture program, the Senator fought the agency—and the White House.
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Flowers in a French garden in 1920. Despite being taken 103yrs ago there’s a gorgeous three dimensional quality to this original colour - NOT colourised - photo.
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"Cars, once America’s most important industrial commodity, are now, for so many, a vehicle of debt-driven extraction. They are also the setting of the most common interaction between citizens and police..."
How Car Culture Funnels Drivers Into Debt, Jail, and A car is a necessity in most parts of the U.S. It also exposes drivers to fines, police harassment, and predatory loans.
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This is exactly why adequate IRS funding matters so much
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I thought everyone on Twitter who said we're 'bullying' Biden into doing x or y was joking Just now realizing some didn't understand that you can't bully a public official by expressing your preferences to them as their constituent. That's just democracy!
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This is such a great articulation
Taking guesses for why the photojournalist who took this put me behind a weird beam.
Skeet your professional headshot.
Same LA sunset, five minutes apart.
This broken, handleless, oversized spoon is the most versatile kitchen gadget in the history of human creation.
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It's hard to get one's head around just how bad this summer has been. At least 3.8 billion people—half the world's population—suffered extreme heat that was worsened by the climate crisis in June through August. 🧪 by
Half the World’s Population Faced Extreme Heat for at Least 30 Days This Nearly every person on the planet saw high temperatures that were made at least twice as likely by climate change this summer
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Farmworkers aren't getting a three-day weekend this Labor Day, and UFW is asking folks to continue signing this petition to pressure OSHA into *finally* issuing an emergency heat standard:
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My abuelo lived through decades of back and hand pain because of his time using el cortito. As strikes continue to unfold this summer & beyond, remember: The low cost of the goods/services you enjoy come at the expense of many. The least you can do is respect the picket line & lend your support.
Thanks to efforts led by the UFW, California banned the short handled hoe ‘el cortito’ in 1975. Today’s workers use a longer handled hoe to weed crops these sweet potato in Livingston CA. They are paid minimum wage in extreme temps - 107° last weekend - so our work's not done.
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SAG just announced a strike vote for the actors in the video game industry. UAW could walk out in two weeks, with 150,000 workers shutting down the big U.S car makers. Unions are surging and workers are winning big. This Labor Day feels different.
This Labor Day is for Union wins keep coming — let's keep the worker momentum surging