
A big fault line has opened up inside the OR GOP between two factions. The relatively more moderate faction believes the 2020 election was stolen, Covid was a hoax, GOP county chairs will be rounded up & arrested by the FBI any day now, & Dems are communists.
Down the Derp State Rabbit Hole with the Chair of the Marion County (OR) Cleon Skousen's conspiracy theories, Chinese commandos invading from Mexico, and other oldies but goodies from the right wing playbook
The faction that considers itself more "in touch with the grassroots" & wch almost got their candidate appointed to be OR's representative to the RNC, consists of radio hosts/podcasters like this "noncompliantus" guy who thinks Israel maybe killed JFK, chemtrails will kill you, & Alex Jones rules.
If you feel like spending a few hours listening to two of the far right, conspiracy-obsessed media figures behind the movement that is on the verge of taking over the OR GOP from the far right, conspiracy-obsessed people they think are RINO squishes, here you go.
Friday Night Rant with Joshua Michael & Rob 7:00 PM Friday, March 22, 2024 So much to rant about and so little time, but we are going to do it anyway. Joshua and I are going to rant about the state of the Oregon Republican Party, the Yue Crew,
For you Cleon Skousen fans out there, one of his relatives, Joel Skousen (who makes Cleon seem like a very sober-minded, reality-based commentator) is running for president. That further right faction in the OR GOP is quite Skousen-curious. Spread the word!
Presidential Candidate Joel 3 PM Monday, March 18, 2024 The Constitution Party has asked Joel Skousen to be their presidential candidate for the 2024 General Election. Joel and I had a very intriguing conversation about his cand
It should probably go without saying that the further right faction in the OR GOP is in favor of removing fluoride from the public water supply.
The more moderate OR GOP faction has already embraced a conspiracy theory to explain where the further right "grassroots insurgency" is coming from. It's ackshually a bunch of Democrat/CCP chaos agents who have been sent into state GOPs to sabotage the party.
New explanation for GOP infighting just dropped. It’s the fault of the Democrats who moved to purple states and became GOP precinct captains!
So I recently learned that Portland itself doesn't put flouride in the water, and if put to voters, they will vote No Flouride. I can't understand what is going on there?
Omg. Never knew this connection. I was astonished to learn that we would have to give our kids fluoride supplements because the water wasn't fluoridated. I thought it was national best-practice.
... But Seth, we don't HAVE fluoride in Oregon drinking water?... maybe that's why we are rich in mental cavities...
Oh, Jesus. I grew up w/o fluoridated water, you you should see my molars -- it isn't pretty.
Cleon “Instant Insanity Drugs” Skousen is the more sober-minded relative?
Well, that’s my Saturday night sorted
Why would anyone listen to someone who says things like "JFK got pew pewd[sic]"?
Indeed. FWIW, I'd say that there are maybe 500 people, 1000 tops, who listen to this guy's radio show/podcast. The problem is, almost all of them (aside from me) are fairly active and vocal Republicans in Oregon and so have outsized influence over the party's culture & direction.
Every time I read the name "Cleon Skousen" it sounds like a name someone came up with for an 80s movie villain who wants to demolish the community center for a high rise, but was rejected by the producers for being "too on the nose"
Big Sleve McDichael energy
My boy Sleve would never do such a thing Bobson Dougnutt on the other hand...
FWIW, the only other Cleon of note (at least in modernity) is Cleon Jones, outfielder for the 1969 World Series-wimning New York Mets.
Also the name of the Emperor clones in Foundation of we're willing to count fiction