
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m sharing this because it’s noteworthy that two of the quite different political subcultures I follow (Never Trumpers and left-leaning analysts of the US right) have been very forthright in calling for Biden to pass the torch.
Prominent Never Trumpers Set to Meet With Biden Several members of the group will argue on Monday the president needs to step aside.
The people named here regularly make no bones about their belief that more progressive Democrats (I.e. anyone who would replace Biden) are a) bad and b) don’t represent what the American public wants. This makes their advocacy for Biden to step aside even more surprising.
Does that make it a surprise? Biden has been fairly left wing on issues that particular crew is very unlikely to approve of
They generally have been very positive about Biden. They also know that whoever replaced him would be to his left.
That's the key to understanding the sincerity. I'm probably closest to them in (ha) constitution and habit. I'm an engineer that hates watching control systems start oscillating wildly, like a rocket engine suddenly wobbling in multiple directions at once. It's this "Oh shit oh shit" sensibility.
I guess that's conservative of a sort. Maybe in the same way someone telling you, Seth, that we really need a new system and how bad can the replacement be .
Anyway, fuck accelerationists.
Agree entirely. These are folks who in the 80s and 90s thought "the radical left" was an illiberal threat to American democracy (they were wrong, but whatevs) and so they railed against they recognize that our historical equilibrium is under massive stress and strain from the right.
Exactly. Putting a metaphor back in my wheelhouse, it's like how surprised people are to see how powerful hydraulic lifting action can be and me over here in my proverbial hard hat going "Oh honey child".
I was going to say these guys spent most of 2020 Attacking Sanders and Warren. I generally don’t trust any of these Trojan horse looking Mfers
I don't see how former members of the GOP who failed to stop the erosion of their own party should have any say in this...much less a direct audience with the Biden campaign.
It's like Dr Frankenstein telling the villagers they need to listen to him on how to stop his monster. These people here need to shut the fuck up and go away and never be in public again because they helped make Trump possible.
Totally agree. The only never Trumper that seems to realize they had a part in creating him is Jennifer Rubin. Everyone else seems to cling to movement conservatism's Sacred Values as still sacred, instead of realizing those values were bad faith lies.
It is only noteworthy in their narcissistic hearts. They need to fuck the hell off. Though, Bill Krystal, is never right so maybe it is good he's part of this folly.
Haley / Sanders 2024 The Unity Ticket
I have no influence over that. I can only control who I vote for. That will be the Democratic Party’s nominee.
I doubt they all agree on who the replacement should be though.
I'm okay if Biden leaves the race as long as Trump also leaves the race.