
Tulsi, the “Democrat” who Republicans love to invoke as evidence of how “even Democrats think their party has gone off the far left deep end” is now endorsing the Republican opponent of that notorious radical woke leftist, um, Jon Tester of Montana.
At virtually every far right rally or protest I observed in Oregon from 2017 to 2020, the owners of this car were there. And not as disinterested observers.
Seems really unfair to Herbie.
Not wishing anyone harm, but it would be funny if the ghost of Herbie found some way to get revenge, like a falling tree branch while the car was parked on the street?
Since Herbie was a sentient car, maybe they’re also making a statement about AI and the dangers of sentient machines?
Have you seen the one with the giant hypodermic needle on top, or is that just a Eugene thing?
I think so? Rings a bell, but I’ve seen so much kooky shit that it all blends together after a while.
Don’t know any Democratic supporters of Assad but Tulsi.