Charlie Luband

Charlie Luband

Health care attorney. Commenter on stuff.
The difference in spin is amazing.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
Can someone remind me again which party is about accountability? Is it the one wanting immunity?
Reposted by Charlie Luband
I’ve been in a meeting with a number of men (and a handful of women) in suits, and while there has been intelligent discussion, my main impression is that Very Serious People are irrationally complacent about the consequences — economic and political — if Trump wins.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Thoughtful billionaires, concerned that Clarence Thomas is morose following SCOTUS’ 8-1 rejection of his Second Amendment jurisprudence today, have briefly broken away from their Nazi memorabilia collections to give him a customized hovercraft.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Yes, if you don’t like the choice between Trump and Biden, think of it as picking between Stephen Miller and Pete Buttigieg, Steve Bannon and Deb Haaland, Michael Flynn and Lina M. Khan, Alex Jones and Jessica Rosenworcel, or Brett Kavanaugh and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Both sides are not “the same”
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Just got the image of Bannon being apprehended to go to jail & the cops are left holding a shirt, then they grab him again and just get shirt, ad infinitum. And this is how we learn that Steve Bannon was not a person, but rather one of those Russian nested dolls made up of shirts all the way down.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
i think that’s putting it a little harshly. *thomas jefferson* would have preordered a cybertruck. ben franklin would have made fun of him for it, but would himself own a rapidly depreciating model 3. and john adams would drive a 17-year-old honda civic
If you want to understand modern-day America, you have to understand that for almost 250 years we have been putting our Founding Fathers™️ on literal pedestals while refusing to acknowledge the fact that if these men were alive today, they would have certainly preordered a Cybertruck.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
 usually the only New York institution that can rack up 34 losses before June 1 is the Mets
This made me literally laugh out loud.
Boston: The only city I've been to where someone took the time to mount a speaker system on their car so they could yell at other drivers.
Biden should announce that until the court says otherwise that Presidents cannot violate the law, he will obstruct the fall election. Maybe that will get them to make a timely decision?
Reposted by Charlie Luband
As a result, it would be near-impossible to end a pregnancy—even in a pro-choice state. These aren't predictions I'm making, but tactics that conservatives have explicitly laid out *in writing* Republicans don't need the votes to ban abortion nationally, they just need Trump
Reposted by Charlie Luband
I don’t know who wrote this, but it’s absolutely perfect
Reposted by Charlie Luband
The account is a necessary reminder of the colossal disaster that was Trump's presidency. Also, yesterday Trump: 1) celebrated Orban 2) mocked Biden's stutter 3) threatened to punish schools that vaccinate 4) defamed E. Jean Carroll 5) called the media "criminals"
Tuesday March 10, 2020 The last day before everything changed. Trump starts the day tweeting about how Fox beat MSNBC in the ratings. Later he tells the press that anyone who needs a test can get one (no) and says: "We're doing a great job with it. It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - This is the day things get real in the US. The WHO officially designates Covid-19 a global pandemic. The NBA suspends the season after two players test positive; every other sport soon follows. Tom Hanks and his wife are hospitalized. Wall Street is in free fall. (more)
Thoughts on the meaning of this traffic signal?
Reposted by Charlie Luband
I can’t believe we’re here again: Republicans caught dead to rights in an insane corruption scandal with most Dems are content to move on and most media, thus, uninterested in chasing the story.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Well - we could reduce child poverty. On the other hand, President Biden might get some credit.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Sometimes I imagine going back to 2009 and telling my 2009 self that in 15 years Kanye would be a Hitler-admiring supporter of far right Republican former president Donald Trump while Trump’s white conservative supporters would think Swift was a Satanic communist psyop.
Kanye West interrompe Taylor Swift no VMA Taylor Swift ganha o prêmio de "Best Female Video" no MTV Video Music Awards 2009. Mas na hora de seu empolgado discurso, o intrometido Kanye West surge no p...
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Today I was driving between Lexington and Concord and passed a sign saying "Welcome British ambassadors!" I guess times have changed.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
Why settle for a boring old-fashioned flu season when you could have a TRIPLEPLAGUE (Very informative thread here. 😷💉🛌🙏🏼)
2. Most parts of the country are well ensconced in #influenza-like illness season right now. (Minn, what are you doing to stay so healthy?) This graphic doesn't just represent flu activity; Covid, RSV and other ILIs are also captured here. CDC's FluView is here:
Reposted by Charlie Luband
The NYT cleaned up the passage — stating that the insurrection clause was obscure, not the amendment — but that didn’t make it much better. It’s only “obscure” because we haven’t had to use it much since the Civil War. And the lack of use doesn’t make it any less a binding part of the Constitution.
The 14th A. brought us landmark rulings like Brown v Board, Loving v Virginia, Bakke, Obergefell, and fueled countless campaigns for civil rights, feminism, LGBT equality etc. If you think that is “obscure” you have no goddamn business writing for — or editing — a major American newspaper.
Reposted by Charlie Luband
The 14th A. brought us landmark rulings like Brown v Board, Loving v Virginia, Bakke, Obergefell, and fueled countless campaigns for civil rights, feminism, LGBT equality etc. If you think that is “obscure” you have no goddamn business writing for — or editing — a major American newspaper.
Do the MAGA folks really want Trump to win his immunity lawsuit? If he does, shouldn't they worry about implications for the current President? Or do they think immunity would only work for one?
Reposted by Charlie Luband
well that's interestng
Counties in states that expanded Medicaid under the ACA saw a 25% decrease in drug arrests, a 19% drop in “violent offense” arrests, and a 24% decrease in “low-level” offense arrests (Simes & Jahn 2022). Expanding public benefits leads to lower crime rates!