
This piece from 2017 is well worth revisiting. Esp for those inclined to think Trump 1.0 wasn’t THAT dramatically authoritarian and anti-democratic.
That point about the anesthetic function of voting in authoritarian states is so incisive that it actually hurts.
My sense is the US taking an abrupt hard right into authoritarianism will more likely be a big bang rather than a whimper. All the shit is going to hit the fan.
It's hard to say. I think that's a possibility, but I also think the rich a-holes who have Trump's ear and need the majority of us to keep buying stuff to keep the economy running might be able to keep the cruelty and chaos somewhat confined just in the interest of "keep the economic numbers up."
Everybody jockeying for position should be entertaining at least.
The Deep South authoritarian state was fine for some and not so fine for others. This state will be fine for a tiny minority but not so fine for many others, including many women.