Rick Hollon

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Rick Hollon


Genderfluid queer SFF writer & poet. They/them. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Words in F&SF, Strange Horizons, Kaleidotrope, Crow & Cross Keys, HELL IS REAL, Prismatica. Loves dinosaurs, wildflowers, photography, human rights.

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All forms of oppression intersect. Mask bans suppress protest, sicken and disable communities, and will most harm vulnerable groups: Black, trans, etc. Chevron ruling means more expensive healthcare. Bills and disability can unhouse you, which means jail to do slave labor. Resist. Do it in an n95.
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My genuine, true belief is that even the most terrible, monstrous people on earth deserve to have their physical needs met if they cannot meet them themselves, and mental health care counts. That doesn't mean I want to be around them.
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can we get a thread of sci-fi writers going? BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+ and disabled authors to the front! we all need new reading material!! please alt text images and add links so we can buy from you
The authoritarian mentality is the repudiation of humanity, of life and joy and change and meaning. I’m on the side of life, as long as I have it. Fuck fascism.
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Trying to do things properly and set up a virtual book tour myself (or something like it) and seeing how it is so hard to get eyes on an indie book. And doing that on a marketing budget of zero dollars. Wait. I printed my own swag, so I'm already in deficit. So yes, preorder CLUB CONTANGO please 🙏🌌🖤
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I am a huge fan of Big Change Is Needed but I am also a huge fan of A Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts With Stretching and Packing for the Journey
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Latest story, "Grottmata," is now online at @nightmare-magazine.com. A space colony is plagued by a series of inexplicable deaths; an Inspector and a factory girl know more than they let on. Thanks again to Wendy and the Nightmare team for taking this and for their care with this one.
Grottmata - Nightmare Magazinewww.nightmare-magazine.com The soldiers start rounding up us factory girls just before sunrise. We smoke cigarettes and stand in a line against the remnants of a brick wall that used to be a bakery, facing the sheer black of th...
Trying to read in order to avoid doomscrolling, when the manga hits me with this.
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We're all talking about finding Black books & supporting them. Here are 3 Black books that are releasing this year that are available for pre-order. 1. Save them on goodreads 2. Pre-order 3. Retweet!! tinyurl.com/y5p2w6t7 store.abramsbooks.com/products/the... bit.ly/3XSElyj
I’ve never known how to socialize. I’ve had friendships and romances and partnerships over the years, but they tend to be exceptional connections. I don’t know how to build community. I want to learn, but it’s never come naturally to me. The risk of facing coming years without community scares me.
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A roadmap for action: 1. Collectives. 2. Support networks. 3. Kicking regimes collectively. 4. Grassroots. 5. Empathy.
‘It has taken years. Years of education, years of failure, and years of tiny successes. The people are listening. The people have been listening. They feel the heat on their skin.’ New fiction by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt 👇 interzone.digital/the-barricade/
THE BARRICADE // IZ Digitalinterzone.digital ‘The sea is our home.’ // ‘The Barricade’, a story by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt
2000s sci-fi: It’s ~nanotech~! 1990s sci-fi: It’s ~genetic tech~! 1980s sci-fi: It’s ~quantums~! 1970s sci-fi: It’s ~wormholes~! 1930s sci-fi: It’s ~atoms~! 1860s sci-fi: It’s ~electricity~!
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Another story out this (rare double release) month, "Grottmata," in Nightmare Magazine. That, too, will be up in the future, and I may have more to post about it. But if you'd like to get a jump on it and support short spec fic, you can grab an e-copy now. Ok back to silent spiraling.
July 2024 (Issue 142) - Nightmare Magazinewww.nightmare-magazine.com
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Friends! My second novelette for the year is out! "Joanna's Bodies" is free to read @psychopomp.bsky.social! Eleni can't stop bringing Joanna back from the dead. This is a story about toxic friendships, forgiving yourself, and my love for Jennifer's Body 🖤 psychopomp.com/joannas-bodi...
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You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
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I am tired of beating them at the ballot box. I want someone to beat their fucking asses legislatively, judicially, executively, and physically. Goddam.
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The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
Used this energy to edit a novelette and submit it. Also subbed 5 poems, because why not.
Managed to copy all my writing files from a laptop that’s been dying for the last two years, and pasted them to a laptop that actually works. That counts as writing.
Managed to copy all my writing files from a laptop that’s been dying for the last two years, and pasted them to a laptop that actually works. That counts as writing.
I didn’t think I could still be shocked by the depths of corruption in this country, yet once again SCOTUS has proved me wrong.
Muggy days are back again. 1. Crown shyness. 2. Boardwalk. 3. Flooded path. 4. Purple-flowered raspberry (Rubus odoratus).
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I read 15 books in June! Favorite: Alive at the End of the World by Saeed Jones. Read my review blog here: rickreads.blogspot.com/2024/06
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Today's backlist story is "Reflections on a Loaf of Rye," a revisioning of Hansel and Gretel first published in "From the Farther Trees" (by the wonderful @mimulus.bsky.social ) and later reprinted in Metastellar. 🍞🌲🌱 farthertrees.wordpress.com/wp-content/u... www.metastellar.com/fiction/refl...
What’s your favorite black & white movie?
what’s your favourite black & white movie?
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i've got nothing clever to say, i'm just voting in nov to stay alive marginally longer, the rest is churn
Well, this is getting worked in throughout my Cretaceous novel now.
A lot of the traits we associate with birds were probably present in dinosaurs, which means dinosaurs might have sung to each other at 4AM. That *might* have been a more annoying time to be alive than now.
Finally rewatched Flight of the Navigator (1986), only to realize halfway through that I’d never seen it, and that the movie I’d ACTUALLY been thinking of was Explorers (1985).
I feel like I used up my lifetime’s supply of resiliency just surviving my childhood and confronting the evils of the George W. Bush years. Like, I’ll keep going, sure, but my resilience is just fumes at this point.
Not feeling defeated, exactly, but certainly daunted by the mountain of evil shit piling up in my country and around the world.
Not feeling defeated, exactly, but certainly daunted by the mountain of evil shit piling up in my country and around the world.