alexis of the WORLD

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alexis of the WORLD

specialist bird appreciator and RSPB volunteer
check out the OFFICIAL sharpsartisan birdwatching eleganza extravaganza! 💃🏻
🏳‍🌈 they / them 🏳‍🌈
Big old Woodpigeon, eyeing up the fat balls. Taken through mum's lounge window last weekend. #birds
Me? a Cave Art Stan? nnnnaaaaaawww
Here's a watercolor painting of two Monarch butterflies for my wildlife loving friends, because it's #SundayYellow and for mothers everywhere too, because it's #MothersDay here in the UK 🥰🦋 #watercolor #painting #artshare #butterflies #wildlife #Sunday #flowers 🦋🥰
robin at #wwtslimbridge! I hardly had to edit this, the sun was glowing and he posed carefree right in front of the camera! 🪶 I love how bold robins are, they truly do not fear us the way other birds do
finally, a sunny day 😮‍💨 heard a raven and saw a few long-tailed tits. also saw my hat on a bench, until I reached for my head and realised I was still wearing it and someone else has lost an identical hat!
My latest entry in "Birds That Are Done With All That Human Nonsense": This White-throated Sparrow, which just heard about people saying that sex is binary. 🪶
we do this on the RSPB livestream! anyone can post their wildlife encounters on the official discord!
There should be a number to call when you see a cool bug or weird tree. They dont come to do anything about it they just make a note of it and tell you to keep up the good work
Join the RSPBTwitchTV Discord Server! Check out the RSPBTwitchTV community on Discord – hang out with 58 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
a big round wood pigeon by the bird bath in the garden 🥰🪶
#Birders! One bonus day we're given every four years to: *Watch the birds *Listen to the birds sing *Go on a bird walk *Talk about birds 😃😃😃😃😃 Northern Cardinals having a “sing off” as they define their territories, are my first #LeapBirds of the day. What’s yours? #birds #LeapDay
Have you ever heard of chewing you little freak
Two nēnēs at WWT Slimbridge! Native to Hawai'i, and the rarest goose in the world, at one point numbering only 30 birds due to hunting and introduced predators like mongoose, pigs, and cats. Decades of conservation efforts have helped reintroduce the nēnē and native numbers are over 3,800 today 😊🪶
one of my favourite birds to see in Spain. and yes, they're fast!
Our garden Sardinian Warbler posing for a half second! 🪶 Good week all.
can't believe I've never (knowingly) seen a garganey before, look at that plumage! seen up close in the large outdoor aviary at WWT Slimbridge 🪶
I’m struggling to find my tribe on this platform. Where are all the good photographers at? Show yourselves dammit!! Here are some kōtuku ngutupapa (royal spoonbills) looking suitably unimpressed with all this.
thanks for the photobomb! redshank in the way of a pied avocet at WWT Slimbridge 🪶
This is a photo that was really too far away to capture well and share a great copy but I wanted so badly to show you the feather display of this Yellow-crowned Night Heron that I cleaned it up just enough you can see some detail. Amazing bird. 🪶
Spring was in the air at Walthamstow Wetlands in London yesterday, even if it did start hailing right after I saw these Great Crested Grebes canoodling. 🪶
I got offered a job!!! my employment era is commencing! I'll have a salary and a desk and coworkers and stuff!!
Mama Mallard with her baby ducklings all in a row, with the exception of two off on a little adventure. The last duckling is holding spots for their siblings. Blue water of lagoon next to San Francisco Bay. #Birds 🪶 #Photography 📷
I turned out to be severely anaemic and the Vitamin (iron + vit c) did in fact save me!
About how often would you guys say you think about this tumblr post. Probably only once or twice a day for me
One of the first photos with my zoom lens when it was new, can you tell? But I did get (so far) the best of the green I see on the Wood Storks. The green is so amazing it looks like taffeta. Sorry it's so close. 🫣😁🪶
Philippine Collared-Dove (Streptopelia dusumieri). Declining in their home range (Philippines), but quite common in villages of the Northern Mariana Islands where they were introduced sometime in the 1700s. Now considered naturalized, they're charming & sort of goofy with their hoarse calls 🎨🪶🐡🌎
Turnstones on Topsham 'Beach' (muddy gravel tbh). Can't resist a few photos every time I walk past; they don't seem to mind. #UKBirding
there's a dunnock in my garden that's always singing quietly, they're such underrated little birds!
Dunnock departure. My best photos from today - Spring Grove, Baxter Park, Dundee. A rather lucky shot. #Birds #Birding #UKbirding #UKwildlife
she's beautiful!
If I play with them anymore I'll go nuts but here's Rosie the Roseate Spoonbill in all her sweetness not far from me as I capture her. I sure miss seeing her but her offspring is pretty awesome too. 🪶💕
Let's talk about James A. Harris, the co-discoverer of Rutherfordium and Dubnium, elements 104 & 105. He was the first African-American to be involved in the creation of a new element. Born Waco, TX in March 1932 BS in Chemistry at HBU Hutson-Tillotson College in Austin, TX.
more old pics, a red kite flying low over my parents' house around xmas time! a true UK conservation success story, they are a keystone species as they feed mainly on carrion, which helps prevent the spread of disease. they're also beautiful to look at!! #ukbirding 🪶
sitting inside at home worrying about worrying ❌ going for a walk in the woods when it's lightly raining ✅
There is this one delightful thing that always occurs mid-February. It becomes light enough again for me to pass by the local starling roost as they retire for the evening. Even with my headphones in, they sound like a little cheering section rooting me safely home.