Sara Hastings-Simon

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Sara Hastings-Simon

Associate professor, Dept of Earth, Energy, and Environment & School of Public Policy, University of Calgary; co-director; energy/carbon/innovation policy + bikes.
The call* is coming from inside the house* call = cost increases inside the house = impacts of climate change, ie failure to shift to low carbon energy, not the shift tot he low carbon energy and people have been arguing for so many years. We can't afford not to act!
Being against energy efficiency standards is the dumbest policy stance.
And also wants to get rid of energy efficiency standards, one of the most successful energy policies the US has ever implemented and a big reason we have not had increasing energy demand for the past 20 years
If you or someone you know can spare half an hour to help us make US energy data more accessible, we'd love to chat! 🔌💡
Hey #EnergySky & #ClimateSky we recently won an NSF POSE grant to help cultivate a more sustainable open source energy data ecosystem, and we're going to be doing a *bunch* of interviews with energy data users and open source contributors over the next month. 🔌💡 🧵 1/n
PUDL awarded NSF POSE grant - Catalyst We are excited to share that the Public Utility Data Liberation Project (PUDL) and Catalyst Cooperative have been awarded a Pathways to Open Source Ecosystems (POSE) Phase I grant by the National Scie...
Inhofe had a key role to play in delaying US action on climate by at least 10+ years. And US is now trying to exactly capture the jobs/businesses he warned would move to China that did move to China as China pursued a reshaping its manufacturing economy.
Am doing a webinar panel shortly that is made up of only women, followed by a meeting later today with a few people that are only women and I think its the first time I've ever had two such instances in a day ever in my entire post graduate life (>20 years).
this morning alone I've seen 2 references to 30 by 2030 targets (completely different systems/contexts). I wonder how our human desire to have matching numbers in targets for things influences targets up or down on average.
Hahahahaha nothing more American than this
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
embodying the absent minded professor - fruitlessly searching for my glasses for the last day and a half (thank goodness for the backup pair), telling my husband I've looked literally everywhere in our house. him - did you look outside? I find them sitting in the grass by the hammock 🤦‍♀️
these all sound like very good things
A positive vision of the good life we could all have ahead when we fight for it together, from 🚄🥾🏖️🤽🏊🏸 💛
Why We Should Care About Low-Carbon Investments in tangible spaces for leisure can increase connection and fun activities while reducing carbon emissions.
Hi new followers 👋 One of my activities is cohosting the Energy vs Climate podcast where we look at energy transition and climate issues through a 🇨🇦 and Alberta lens (which has important lessons for the rest of the world). Our season finale episode is available now here ⬇️
Me to kids these days with comfy cargo bike/bike trailers: we rode facing backwards in a hard trailer sitting on towels so the black plastic didn’t burn us and they didn’t make proper kids bike helmets so my safety conscious parents had us wear what I assume were skating helmets in the hot sun.
With many caveats about how climate change is making this worse and the challenge of energy affordability/housing affordability... as someone who grew up in the Central Valley this part of the story has me 🫠 You were surprised to learn the Central Valley is hot?
Ahead of my book release, I wrote a piece for the newly launched Break/ Down, which focuses on capitalism and the climate crisis. In it, I preview one of my main arguments on what a just transition does- and doesn’t- entail
What is a Just Transition? As the idea of the
This may be a niche Calgary problem, because in most places summer is just summer, but I wish there was a smart HRV/ERV control that used weather forecasts to optimize heat exchange levels to keep the home as close to a desired set point without heating or cooling. My Zender just sets hot or cold.
Had a dream last night about a utility appearing to offer time of use rates in Calgary and I was trying to figure out how they were doing so given lack of smart meters so work/life balance is clearly going really well over here.
Update on yard rabbit (which is really a hare). They now let us walk by them without running away.
I’ve let the yard go to the dandelions this year but have been rewarded by gaining a new friend, this guy, who appreciates the all you can eat dandelion stem buffet and has made the backyard his new home. We call them “bun bun”
Felt I was basically required to purchase this beer based on the name.
🚨new paper🚨With and Aviv Fried we look at the potential for level 1 home charging to meet the needs of EVs in Calgary and find that 1/3 of can be met, over 50% with a occasional supplementary charge from a level 3 charger. 🧵⬇️
Sufficiency of level 1 charging to meet electric vehicle charging requirements - Sufficiency of level 1 charging to meet electric vehicle charging requirements, Aviv Fried, Blake C Shaffer, Sara Hastings-Simon
I’m “yell at the lies in the political mailing literature” years old.
I understand why companies don't want to be regulated but I don't understand why individuals think that their interests will be better protected by companies than governments.
Still not over having spent literally a day and a half thinking "the profs at this workshop are sure a young group compared to when I was in grad school" before realizing the truth. (is it just like this for the rest of your life now?)
reminder that with the right straps/bags any bike can be a cargo bike.
Attn: 💡🔌 (or is it 🔌💡?) folks in and around Boston, I highly recommend this exhibition of the history of oil/climate change/energy transition made up of 67 meters of hand embroidery by a Canadian artist that will be on display from July 27th through the fall. Displacement, an exhibition of works by contemporary artists, explores the relationship between humans and their environments. Through textiles, sculptures, film, and scents, this exhibition examines ...
I actually appreciate the heads up to have one less filter change to keep track of but the language is quite dire