Grand Moff Shaun Duke

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Grand Moff Shaun Duke

SF/F/H writer/editor (The Duke of Editing), Prof of #digirhet #scifi #Caribbean #fandom, podcaster at (The Skiffy and Fanty Show)!

Twitch (T/Th 7 PM CST):

Opinions my own. Things here:
And I'm live on the Twitch thing! Tonight is a Geek Chat Hour + Gaming w/ Friends night. Let's make chat lively! No promises of good gameplay, but there will be giggles!
Friendly evening reminder before I start streaming: Books. Comics. And more. I'm downsizing for a move. Buy you some things and be joyful.
A tiny reminder that I'm selling off a lot of books (and comics, graphic novels, dvds, magazines, and other things). Moving + family growth = $/space! If you're looking for some new reads, take a look at my massive spreadsheet and, y'know, get some #books :P Share away!
Request: Could we please stop expecting everyone to have a take on every bad thing that is happening? I'm one person. I cannot keep in my head a well-reasoned response to everything happening in every corner of the globe, let alone every corner of the communities I'm in.
A thing I've learned from doing a lot of watching political posters on socials these days is that some of them have forgotten how to talk to regular people or, worse, don't realize how offputting and insulting they are and, thus, are shooting themselves in the foot. We need hope, not misery.
This is the final days of Hugo voting. I would be honored if you voted for me for Best Fan Writer. Not because of what happened in Chengdu, but because I think my oeuvre & output make me worthy. I also think our team's work at is worthy.
2024 Hugo Finalist! | Paul Get more from Paul Weimer on Patreon
I'll be on the Sprinterview twitch stream tonight with AJ Alexanders for pomodoro-style writing sprints & chatting from 5:30PM-8:30PM PT! Stop by and get some work done? Or just to say hi!
Since we are talking book piracy again, I will restate my view of digital piracy in general: The average consumer weighs cost, convenience, and quality of experience. They will typically sacrifice on one of those, might put up with sacrifices on two, but will return to piracy if all three.
If you are going to pirate books, nobody can really stop you. We all know this. But don’t tell an author that it’s okay to pirate books because you don’t think they’ll be able to earn an income after that, and that’s good, it ends capitalism.
In other news: Patreon supporters will get to hear and I babble about SFF things on tonight's Speculative Dispatch show! Wee!
A tiny reminder that I'm selling off a lot of books (and comics, graphic novels, dvds, magazines, and other things). Moving + family growth = $/space! If you're looking for some new reads, take a look at my massive spreadsheet and, y'know, get some #books :P Share away!
A tiny little reminder about my book (and other things) sale. Reducing the collection. Selling 1300+ books, 1800ish comics, some graphic novels, mags, and more. And I've shipped over 200 books thus far! :D Lots of scifi and fantasy. Help me move. Help you with... #books ???
Duke's Great Book Sale Cause He's The Book Sale (Deets) Welcome to my giant book sale. Thanks for stopping by to look at all the books I'm trying to offload before my family moves to another state! On this spreadsheet, you will find...
When the Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter reaches 700 Backers, we will publish an exclusive mini-interview with solicited essayist Kelly Sue DeConnick!
Alrighty. Let's get this from 261 to 300, shall we? Go find you some books. I'll send them to your house (or I might be able to meet you somewhere in MN state)! Wee!
A tiny little reminder about my book (and other things) sale. Reducing the collection. Selling 1300+ books, 1800ish comics, some graphic novels, mags, and more. And I've shipped over 200 books thus far! :D Lots of scifi and fantasy. Help me move. Help you with... #books ???
Duke's Great Book Sale Cause He's The Book Sale (Deets) Welcome to my giant book sale. Thanks for stopping by to look at all the books I'm trying to offload before my family moves to another state! On this spreadsheet, you will find...
Good morning. I must know: What are you reading or watching? Tell me and I will grant 3 wishes he can spend on photography things.
5 more are going to new homes. That's 261, I think! Yay!
A tiny little reminder about my book (and other things) sale. Reducing the collection. Selling 1300+ books, 1800ish comics, some graphic novels, mags, and more. And I've shipped over 200 books thus far! :D Lots of scifi and fantasy. Help me move. Help you with... #books ???
Duke's Great Book Sale Cause He's The Book Sale (Deets) Welcome to my giant book sale. Thanks for stopping by to look at all the books I'm trying to offload before my family moves to another state! On this spreadsheet, you will find...
This week, someone gave me $150 and an order to fill a box of books for them to try out cause they wanted to read more genre. And so I did. 30+ lbs of books. Lots and lots of stuff for them to test out. It was fun digging through my book sale stacks to find things I thought they might like!
To even out the stress I'm going through at the moment, here's a bit of happy news: Officially, my family will be together at last. It's been a long road through immigration, but we're at the end. Just a few weeks until we get to annoy each other on a daily basis! :D
Today is a good day to buy books. This may be the most stressful move I've ever made cause I'll have TWO monthly payments *screams*
A tiny little reminder about my book (and other things) sale. Reducing the collection. Selling 1300+ books, 1800ish comics, some graphic novels, mags, and more. And I've shipped over 200 books thus far! :D Lots of scifi and fantasy. Help me move. Help you with... #books ???
Duke's Great Book Sale Cause He's The Book Sale (Deets) Welcome to my giant book sale. Thanks for stopping by to look at all the books I'm trying to offload before my family moves to another state! On this spreadsheet, you will find...
Strange Horizons is at $18,150 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Can we get them to $20k (at least) in the next 40 hours so they can add a NOVELETTE?? 🤔
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
Whole bunch of boxes going out tomorrow. And some packages. Lots and lots of books going to new homes.
A tiny little reminder about my book (and other things) sale. Reducing the collection. Selling 1300+ books, 1800ish comics, some graphic novels, mags, and more. And I've shipped over 200 books thus far! :D Lots of scifi and fantasy. Help me move. Help you with... #books ???
Duke's Great Book Sale Cause He's The Book Sale (Deets) Welcome to my giant book sale. Thanks for stopping by to look at all the books I'm trying to offload before my family moves to another state! On this spreadsheet, you will find...
It's time! We're live on Twitch. On the docket: an interview w/!!! We're talking about GRIM ROOT! Out now from Dark Matter Ink. Come hang. Ask questions in chat. Buy books! Twitch is the world
A tiny little reminder about my book (and other things) sale. Reducing the collection. Selling 1300+ books, 1800ish comics, some graphic novels, mags, and more. And I've shipped over 200 books thus far! :D Lots of scifi and fantasy. Help me move. Help you with... #books ???
Duke's Great Book Sale Cause He's The Book Sale (Deets) Welcome to my giant book sale. Thanks for stopping by to look at all the books I'm trying to offload before my family moves to another state! On this spreadsheet, you will find...
We've reached 106% of our Kickstarter goal, but I've always heard we should give at least 110%! Can you help us get that extra 4% today? Subscriptions and other great rewards await you at:
Space Unicorns! You did it!!! The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter funded its first stretch goal of an ORIGINAL Galen Dara Cover! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?