
The (white) grifters who pretend to care about Palestine cut their teeth on propaganda and disinformation during the war in Syria, defending Bashar Al Assad as a resistance hero (barf) while I studied photos of people his government tortured to death, by the thousands.
if you were very recently defending Putin in Russia and dismissing a sea of reports of atrocities against Ukrainian civilians as propaganda, forgive me if I doubt that your commitment to protecting civilians is truly genuine
Fucking exactly. These people repulse me so much.
Pretending to care about Palestinians is extremely profitable.
there’s also the bullshit “well you just care about Ukrainians because they’re whiny blonde people palatable to Americans and Europeans” argument they try to trot out, as if that applies to Syrians
And meanwhile (and this pokes at both the crowd you mentioned and certain chuds) the most distinct self-selected Ukr archetype looks like this...