
After years of witnessing racists ranting about these appearances every time I see a minority character appear in any form of artistic works my first thought is “Oh they be ranting about this one again very soon”. I'd hope I don't need to do so
but after my hope being disappointed EVERY SINGLE TIME I feel bad for not just ignoring all those shit comments simply because I 100% expect them to be there every time because they've always have been before.
They’re so primed to be angry that almost any piece of media will do it. It’s more about the complaining than the media. They don’t even like video games anymore, they just like the rush of being in a community of loud, whiny dipshits
This always makes me think of HP Lovecraft. Dude valued logic and intellect above all. Saw humans as tiny worthless motes in a vast universe. And yet ONE slight variant of human--people like him--was better than the others. Virulent racist. It made zero sense, even within his own worldview.
This is a little reductive take on my end, but sometimes a child will continue pitching a fit just because you’re continuing to validate it, and I feel like a lot of adults would benefit emotionally from us ignoring them and simply forcing them to accept reality in their own way.