Shiyam Galyon (she/they)

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Shiyam Galyon (she/they)

🌈 U.S.-based writer critical of power dynamics. Thoughts on politics, conflict, peace, justice, security. Malcontent and hopeful. It's like "Liam" but with an "Sh."
Paws and give to my college professor fundraising to rescue her family from a genocide funded by our taxes:
Who should I know about that’s like-minded in NYC and in the comedy/improv world? any ideas? I wanna take classes because my child-self never got to audition for All That
Who: Writers, anywhere in the world What: Field Notes Deadline: December 22nd Pay: $1/word Themes: Care is the Antidote to Violence, Surviving Supremacy, and democracy TBD.
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Heavy Israeli bombardments struck both north and south Gaza, killing more civilians and once again bringing hospitals into the crossfire on Monday as the conflict entered its 45th day with few signs of letup or a cease-fire.
Another Gaza hospital caught in fighting, as storms deepen civilian Strikes against Gaza’s Indonesian hospital in the north and residential neighborhoods in the south have left an increasingly miserable population with few places to hide.
Revisiting the Smash EDO Campaign In response to the genocide in Gaza, some activists have set out to target weapons manufacturers like Elbit Systems and Raytheon. In this text, we explore the lessons of a campaign that set out to shut down an arms factory in Brighton. 🧵⬇️
“We are fully aware that your photo series has nothing to do with the current political situation... but in order to avoid conflicts, we do not currently want to present Muslim life without a corresponding counterpoint… for example, showing Jewish life in Berlin"
The cancelled photographs of Raphaël Malik - Berlin photographer Raphaël Malik's pictures of Muslim life got his upcoming show in Mitte cancelled. He doesn't understand why.
"Perhaps it is time for us—those of us who do not play the game of states—to stop sharing in, contesting or soliciting from the international colonial discourse, to stop affirming its rights and claims, its terms and forms." 💯💯
To say and think a life beyond what settler colonialism has The Earth is closing on Palestinians in Gaza. As I write these lines, Israel continues to bomb more than two million Palestinians, refugees and the descendants of refugees confined to the besieged Gaz...
Israel shot and killed a Lebanese photojournalist for Reuters - Issam Abdullah - and injured many more in South Lebanon after bombing their post. Lebanon is very small so I knew of him and know many of his friends and colleagues. Grief after grief after grief.
I understand some people follow me because they want to know more about what's happening but a few notes: 1) I am not in Palestine, so can't offer on the ground witness 2) I'm processing a lot right now in my personal life as well. I will do my best to compile sources in the next few days
It says a lot that videos of Assad/Russia bombing Syrian cities are easily confused for videos of Israel bombing Gaza. There's enough of both going on at the same time, and loads of folks are more than fine posting fake news if it gets them clicks. Also, note 'peace in the middle east'.
“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba. “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.
Defense minister announces ‘complete siege’ of Gaza: No power, food or * * *
@JustinSalhani and myself did some reporting yesterday in a couple of the #Palestinian camps. What we found is that Palestinian fighters are ready to open 2nd front against Israel -- if Hezbollah leads the way. But Hezbollah has its own considerations.
I'm going to plead one more time for all of you to remember this isn't a game, this isn't an opportunity for you to get clicks or show off your punditry skills. There are real people dying, and real people from this place that can see how flippant you're being. And it's fucking enraging.
"I maintain that there are crimes of abundance and there are crimes of hunger, and we have not only brought Gaza to the brink of starvation, we have brought it to a state of collapse...How much security did we get? Where will another round of revenge take us?"
We feel fear, anger and helplessness: all of Israel is in a state of war. But revenge is not the We are in shock as we digest the Hamas attacks and the failings of Netanyahu’s government. The worry now is what comes next, says journalist Orly Noy in Jerusalem
"Recognizing the root causes of the current violence doesn’t require condoning attacks on civilians. Offering context is not offering an excuse. On the contrary: the only way to honor the loss of life – Palestinian and Israeli – is to address its source." Beautiful precision here from Diala Shamas.
How should the US respond to the Israel-Palestine crisis? Our panel weighs in | Joe Biden said on Monday that ‘the American people stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israelis’
As the situation escalates in Israel-Palestine, misinformation is rife. It can be difficult to decipher what is really happening and what is not. Our team has gathered examples of misrepresented footage and imagery from the latest conflict, helping you tell facts from fiction
Hamas Attacks, Israel Bombs Gaza and Misinformation Surges Online - Videos supposedly from the latest escalation of the conflict are actually years old, from the wrong country or don’t depict a warzone at all.
Heart wrenching and human-centric reporting from Arshaluys Barseghyan for Arshaluys was on the ground in Goris during the forced exodus of Karabakh Armenians this past week
The last bus out of With the exodus of Nagorno-Karabakh over, many of those forced to start new lives from scratch reflect on what — and who — they have left behind.
Palestine is not a big place but it is a microcosm of the world order - forever violent + unstable until justice is pursued seriously. What happens there cannot be ignored. No deals between states will stabilize this without actually solving the issues animating the conflict.
Allowing the strong to sort things out amongst themselves is all well and good if it is resulting in less conflict. In Nagorno-Karabakh, Kurdistan, and Israel/Palestine, I think you’re seeing the other, uglier side of that coin.
The amount of time spent hiding behind the word “conflict” and not confronting the reality of Israel’s occupation of Palestine will hit like bricks should anyone confront how Europe could not assure Jewish safety on its lands after the Holocaust.
The wall has been an incremental and bipartisan project since 1994. It’s sickening that its expansion continues under this administration, even as its tragic consequences continue to be documented.
President Biden campaigned against building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. But his administration filed notice on Thursday that it was waiving more than 20 federal laws and regulations, including environmental ones, to build additional barriers along the Southern border.