
Initially I wasn't sure how I felt about the calls for Biden to step down but now I'm just like... he should fucking do it and Harris should replace him and let's move the fuck on
I get why people think Harris couldn't beat Trump but I think those people are wrong
She doesn't have the baggage of Hillary or Biden, for starters
Harris didn’t run a great primary campaign but I see no reason she couldn’t run now as “Generic Dem” and I think Generic Dem has a great shot at beating Trump. And she has a lot more stamina than Trump does, she can outhustle him in a way Biden can’t.
Yeah I mean, primary campaign was 4 years ago, she's been Veep since, just feels different
Yeah people are like "you think they won't find something to hammer her on" and of course they will, but we need someone with the (at least plausible) ability to fight back.