Shu Daizi

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Shu Daizi

I'm just a white boy 書癡 and author of happy smut. I try to make my stories character- and story-first, but with a lot of steam. He/Him🔞

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Let's be clear: Who gets to be considered fully human is what's at stake this election. We can have reasonable disagreements about government regulations and taxes, but we cannot have a reasonable disagreement about whether everyone is entitled to be treated as equally human.
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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oh no
I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
I always wait for the guy to say, "Audible hopes you have enjoyed this program." And then I say, "Thank you, I did enjoy this program."
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Well this was a heck of a time to tune into the #Euros, eh?
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We will see if England wins the Euro championship today and grants Keir Starmer the mandate of heaven.
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Yes. Art includes intention, I would argue. Things can be beautiful or intriguing to us without intention behind them, because humans are pattern-seeking creatures who crave meaning and causality. But that doesn't make them art.
This is also a way of explaining why so much computer generated work fails as art. It's not a work made by a human for other humans. We may find some meaning in it regardless, but it's not a conversation. It's not dialogue.
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Is that 104 snakes in your pants, or are you EXTREMELY happy to see me?
A man, who was carrying a backpack, went through the “nothing to declare” line when crossing from Hong Kong into mainland China. A search revealed he was carrying contraband. In fact, 104 scaly pieces of contraband. That’s how many live snakes were in his pants, China Customs officials said.
Man caught trying to smuggle 104 live snakes — in his The man went through the “nothing to declare” line when crossing from Hong Kong into mainland China. A search found his pockets full of writhing, scaly contraband.
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Either this or the one about her being squishy and getting the reds.
Best MST3K lines
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Byzantine woman with her titty out (c. 550)
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The Gyoza Fairy is our friend
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We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
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Where I post from
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in which Liz has trouble with suspension of disbelief. Only scientifically accurate humpage for us,
I've been thinking about tropes and expectations, and readerships, and smut. So, I put up a new post to the newsletter. Come join the Happy Smut Club! #Newsletter #Smut #HappySmut #Erotica #WritingErotica #Writing
Shu Daizi Landing
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One of my favorite things to do, paraphrased: Me (to "AI"): Recount the plot to [one of my books] and name five major characters and their roles. AI: [Generates bad plot, correctly names only the protagonist, all other characters and their roles made up] Me: That's wrong, you know. AI: I know.
A lot of people don’t understand that Generative AIs will just make things up. They’re more like Mad Libs than what we used to think of when we said “AI.”
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A job I was looking forward to just fell through because I requested a very basic “please don’t feed my work into the AI garbage chute pls” clause in the contract That was apparently against company policy and non-negotiable If anyone needs a book cover I have an opening in my schedule
wow, standing on principle sure is expensive
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Spelling Bee never lets me do what I want
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Yo dawg, we heard you liked ChatGPT, so we put ChatGPT into your ChatGPT.