
I really cannot overemphasize how serious those of us who say this might be the last meaningful election are this will not be anything like his first term and they are deadly serious about eliminating any possible opposition to their theocracy inside or outside the government
Alot of people who rightfully point out how they were told to stop worrying about Roe are telling people to stop worrying about people trying to end free elections in America despite a bunch of assholes saying their goal is to end free elections in America
the people who said they were gonna end roe ended roe so when they say they’re going to end democracy, they will…
It’s amazing to me that in the space of about ten years, “We’re a republic not a democracy” has gone from something I said, to something I thought was at best a half-correct bit of pedantry, to a giant blinking red warning light on a wannabe fascist.
The US is both a republic and a democracy. Full stop. There's nothing more irksome than the cultural or academic redefining of terms, when their pre-hairsplitting definitions remain common and functional. 'Race' and 'sex' leap to mind, with republic and democracy also among the many.
With that, it'll be about 10 nanosecs before someone tells me what an ignorant fool I am, and that I must KEEP UP!
Language evolves. Get over it, gramps! 😁
I get it, and I'm trying! It's just galling when it's done for obvious and deceitful enfranchisement/ disenfranchisement purposes. 🤬