Simon Grivet

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Simon Grivet

I’m teaching American history at the Universite de Lille (France) and doing research on federal judges in the South during the civil rights movement (among other topics)
Can we trust the GOP which doesn’t seem to be able to provide a decent chair to its candidate ? 😂
Avatar this document might interest you (from the Darby case in Mississippi, 1956…when the DoJ didn’t want to get too involved) Looking forward reading your Doar book 😉
Well I watched the Republican convention for an hour or so and let me tell you our far-right is a moderate force in comparison 😖
Reposted byAvatar Simon Grivet
I don’t understand why this assassination attempt would somehow win this election for Trump. His voters would continue to adore him but I don’t see why others would suddenly feel more attracted to him
I don’t see how Biden can recover from this sequence
So our President thinks he can just disregard election results…
Dear American history friends, which books are indispensable about desegregation / integration of Southern universities ? (I’ve seen dozen of monographies, I don’t know of a systematic treatment ? Thanks for your help
Well it’s very very hot, even at dawn, but it remains very impressive #DC #ResearchTrip
#ResearchTrip #Day1 Of course I was up at 4am 🙄 because of the jet lag. Good point: more time to navigate the enormous/immense NAACP archives and figure out which boxes I should ask for in priority… #DC #LibraryOfCongress
Thank you for your great job covering the French election
Somehow decent French people prevailed and we seem to be avoiding Neofascists ruling our country. The Assembly is about to be split 3 ways with no clear majority
On my way to Charles de Gaulle airport for a 3 week research trip to the U.S. I’m leaving with a very heavy heart after having voted (for the New Popular Front). Whatever happened isn’t going to be good for Progressives in France and for all minorities. I’m afraid and sad.
2 days to the vote. I find myself relieved that the Neofascists could “only” win some 200 seats (out of 577) in a hung parliament. This tells you how depressing this whole French electoral sequence actually is.
Happy Fourth of July to all my American friends !!
4 days to the 2nd leg of the snap election. I have a very dark premonition of the upcoming disaster. I don’t believe we will manage to hold the Neofascists to a mere plurality. They’re gonna get a majority and rule our country for a least a year 😖 #France #SnapElection #FarRight
I’m reading the #Trump decision and I’m stunned at how Roberts and his accomplices simply refused to consider this obvious fact: That someone like #Trump could use his official duties of President to go against his main duty which is to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution
Well the disaster has happened. Its full force hasn’t hit us completely yet due to the peculiarities of our parliamentary elections (2 rounds) but it’s coming. 12 (?!) million voters chose the Fascists today. They are now the first political party of France 🤯😢😖
Over the other network, rumors of a far right victory…
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SURGE in turnout in France so far. Turnout at 5pm is 59% of registered voters (orange line). That's already higher than the *overall* turnout in the 2012, 2017, and 2022 elections. (Note: polls projected this; not necessarily indicative of a surprise in overall vote share.)
Important sign: French people have decide to vote! Turn-out could reach unseen records since 30 years, at 67/70-% Who will benefit from that exceptional civic awakening ? We’ll soon know.
So it appears there is going to be record participation for this snap election maybe 63? 67% ? The big question obviously is going to be: who benefits from this great civic awakening ? Macron? The Fascists ? The Left? We will soon know… #France #SnapElection
Voting day. In my district, very little suspens nor possibility : we’ve been represented by the have the same right wing old fart for decades and he’s probably gonna win again. I did vote for the left nonetheless and I’m now hoping for a miracle (although I’m an atheist 😂) Have a great Sunday
2 days to the vote, official campaign about to close tonight a 0.00 I have no hope that somehow the Popular will prevail. The 2 most probable scenarii are 1/ complete victory for the Fascists 2/ a stalemate in which the 3 groups (left, center, far right) have about the same number of MPS
This Supreme Court is a clear and present danger for democracy in the United States
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That "debate" was a perfect representation of how decrepit the US political system has become, and people ought to think hard about how we got here and how to regenerate our democracy. In the meantime, Dems should focus on winning the House so Trump cannot run completely wild in his 2d term.
#Biden fares better as the debate continues but the format doesn’t allow any constructive nor rational discussion as #Trump is let free to unload implausible charges one after the others
After having watched a lot of news and read several newspapers, it seems that essentially the Biden campaign and the White House just want to carry on as if nothing big happened yesterday night. This is delusional