Simon Grivet

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Simon Grivet

I’m teaching American history at the Universite de Lille (France) and doing research on federal judges in the South during the civil rights movement (among other topics)
Somehow decent French people prevailed and we seem to be avoiding Neofascists ruling our country. The Assembly is about to be split 3 ways with no clear majority
On my way to Charles de Gaulle airport for a 3 week research trip to the U.S. I’m leaving with a very heavy heart after having voted (for the New Popular Front). Whatever happened isn’t going to be good for Progressives in France and for all minorities. I’m afraid and sad.
2 days to the vote. I find myself relieved that the Neofascists could “only” win some 200 seats (out of 577) in a hung parliament. This tells you how depressing this whole French electoral sequence actually is.
Happy Fourth of July to all my American friends !!
4 days to the 2nd leg of the snap election. I have a very dark premonition of the upcoming disaster. I don’t believe we will manage to hold the Neofascists to a mere plurality. They’re gonna get a majority and rule our country for a least a year 😖 #France #SnapElection #FarRight
I’m reading the #Trump decision and I’m stunned at how Roberts and his accomplices simply refused to consider this obvious fact: That someone like #Trump could use his official duties of President to go against his main duty which is to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution
Well the disaster has happened. Its full force hasn’t hit us completely yet due to the peculiarities of our parliamentary elections (2 rounds) but it’s coming. 12 (?!) million voters chose the Fascists today. They are now the first political party of France 🤯😢😖
Over the other network, rumors of a far right victory…
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SURGE in turnout in France so far. Turnout at 5pm is 59% of registered voters (orange line). That's already higher than the *overall* turnout in the 2012, 2017, and 2022 elections. (Note: polls projected this; not necessarily indicative of a surprise in overall vote share.)
Important sign: French people have decide to vote! Turn-out could reach unseen records since 30 years, at 67/70-% Who will benefit from that exceptional civic awakening ? We’ll soon know.
So it appears there is going to be record participation for this snap election maybe 63? 67% ? The big question obviously is going to be: who benefits from this great civic awakening ? Macron? The Fascists ? The Left? We will soon know… #France #SnapElection
Voting day. In my district, very little suspens nor possibility : we’ve been represented by the have the same right wing old fart for decades and he’s probably gonna win again. I did vote for the left nonetheless and I’m now hoping for a miracle (although I’m an atheist 😂) Have a great Sunday
2 days to the vote, official campaign about to close tonight a 0.00 I have no hope that somehow the Popular will prevail. The 2 most probable scenarii are 1/ complete victory for the Fascists 2/ a stalemate in which the 3 groups (left, center, far right) have about the same number of MPS
This Supreme Court is a clear and present danger for democracy in the United States
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That "debate" was a perfect representation of how decrepit the US political system has become, and people ought to think hard about how we got here and how to regenerate our democracy. In the meantime, Dems should focus on winning the House so Trump cannot run completely wild in his 2d term.
The U.S. debate: Well this is a disaster. On the one hand #Trump delivering a continuous series of lies and bullshit of astronomical dimensions (unchecked) On the other hand a mumbling, incoherent old man who often delivered unclear answers. The Democrats have a lot to worry about.
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I don't plan to watch tonight's debate, bc I'm not THAT self-loathing, even tho I'm sure crime and punishment will come up. So figured it couldn't hurt to toss up a short thread to put whatever claims they are likely to make in context. tl;dr: neither did/does/will do much to cause OR stop crime.
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The requirement forces Oklahoma teachers to "reference" the role of the Ten Commandments in America's founding, so as a historian & teacher, let me offer this suggestion: "Although some idiots today insist that the Founding Fathers were inspired by the Ten Commandments, they absolutely were not."
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
I wanna wish good luck to all Americans who are going to watch the debate live. I’m going to bed (it’s 11 pm France time) and I’ll check the whole thing tomorrow. I don’t expect any major surprise. #Trump #Biden #Debate
For a minute I was like « yes let’s wake up at 3 am for the debate !! » and then I remember it’s Trump v. Biden 😖 Replay in the morning will do fine
Qui est #Bardella le possible futur premier ministre RN ? C’est un fils d’immigrés italiens, simple bachelier, sans expérience, travaillé d’une ambition sans scrupule et marqué par l’idéologie identitaire xénophobe de l’extrême droite. Démonstration brillante de Pierre Stéphane Fort
Tonight we have a poll which seems to indicate that the Fascists will actually have a majority on July 8. I have no words 😶
You can’t tell people who are voting for the far right that they’re racist because it would patronizing or dismissive// you can’t tell them the far right platform is a pile of non sense and malarkey because they don’t really care about the platform…All you can do is wait for the upcoming disaster
I'm watching the far right press conference 6 days to the election. It is terrifying. #Bardella explains that binationals can't be trusted and shouldn't be given sensitive jobs ?! This level of discrimination was never legal but during Collaboration and the Vichy Regime.
One week to Election Day here in France. Polls remain gloomy with the Fascists in the lead and a possible majority at the Assembly. Media being way more agressive with the left than with the far right.
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2 new polls of France this afternoon. Left bloc: 29% or 30% Macron bloc: 19% or 21.5% Far-right bloc: 32% or 35% Conservative party: 6.5% or 7%. Both pollsters project 180-240 seats for Left, 200-250 for far-right, & fall to 70-110 seats for Macron.
9 days to the first leg of the snap election. Polls remain super shitty suggesting a possible fascist majority on July 7th. This is soooo scarry #France #elections
10 days to the vote (first leg) the political debates in the French media don’t make a lot of sense with the far right trying to convince people that they would care about French Jews. Of course the majority of the media is hostile to the economic platform of the Popular Front. #France #election
How bad can it get ? #Macron openly favoring far right vs. the Left 😒
Emmanuel Macron today —attacked the Left Coalition for having an "immigrationist" policy. —attacked the Left for supporting the right of trans people to go to city hall to change their sex on civil registry. (A reminder that elections on July 7 is going to come down to many left/far-right runoffs.)
#France the campaign has officially begun. I have a difficult time recognizing that our country would be ruled by the far right very soon. That’s what the polls are saying. The #PopularFront trying its best though… 😰😕😑