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Manager, Writer, Elf, Former USAF, Pain in the ass... DAD! I like; Movies, Books, Dogs , Dinosaurs and maybe you.
Collecting donations to help Veterans, I want my $2
Off to the Gym, then to get food for the dog, then needles for the dogs insulin.. then an shower and THEN an interview... at some point I need to eat and take my meds
I'm watching Northern Exposure... I watched some of them, I suppose when they were on. This is a weird and interesting show... I am enjoying it.. a sense of familiarity combined with "what the hell is going on"
Good day today... Had some candy :)
I liked this very much , passing it on to all of you.
'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.
Reposted byAvatar Sinjin
Presenting the story of Michael Stern, a Stack Up volunteer who has benefitted from nearly all of Stack Up's programs that support Veterans through the power of gaming. Michael wrote up his story about Stacking Up.
Stacking Up with Michael Michael Stern has benefitted from nearly all of Stack Up's programs and for the 4th of July we wanted him to tell his story with Stack Up.
Other than the fireworks display put on by the town last night... it was pretty quiet. No Darwin Award contenders near me.
Good Morning, today I have had my car blocked in, so I can't go to the gym. I hate the gym but do need to do it. I do have coffee though, made a pot... to find out I am out of Milk. (cra blocked in) so I am waiting on a tie breaker now :) Hows our day
Welp, I am off to bed. Had a good day, went to the Gym... (I hate the gym) Ate healthy ( I hate Healthy food) and now I will be going to bed early (I really am excited about that). So to all of you , goodnight, sleep well and may all your dreams be free of clowns... and bicycles, also flying toast.
This is great :)
A new bit of Tolkien silliness, as I fight off the blues today. "Communiqué from the Tourist Office for the Barrow Downs" - hope you enjoy, et al....
What a day, I went out, I did some things, I came back.. and now time for bed... Isn't that everyone's day?
A little fun for everyone... well except whoevers Croc that really is Either they don't care and are having a bad day... or that's all that is left of them. :)
I ... I couldn't make it 10 minutes into the debate tonight. What a display, and not a good one. :( We need more, I hope both parties get to the convention and nominate actual hopeful, engaged, humble well meaning candidates.
First movie I ever saw in a Theater. Star Wars, Mom took me to see it. I don't think I would remember except... She also bought me a C3P0 action figure in the lobby after the movie and I was super excited :) I was 6 or 7 Whats the first movie you remember seeing?
Has anyone else heard about free Tacos today... ?
A few of you recommend Godzilla Minus One. Just finished it, I enjoyed it, story was ok, dubbing was good script was campy but well meaning and really thats okay by me. Some of the visuals we're odd overall It seemed like an old school monster movie. I LOVED IT! Especially the Godzilla Theme Music
Alrighty folks... Off to helpwith dinner... and spray the dogs with the house
I am horrible at Dark and Darker.. but here I am... sneaking aroudn trying to kill goblins and such... nope.. dead again lol
My turn to cook tonight, was planning on making some Mac N Cheese... but someone else wanted to make Mac N cheese, so now I'm not cooking but I am still getting Mac n Cheese. really hot here today... no I guess not. .Humidity makes it seem awful out though
Remember Everyone Deployed Wear Red today! and every Friday I did it.. I remembered... tell Rex
Seeing a lot of posts on AC units... I miss having a Swamp Cooler. those still a thing? Air conditioning is nice, though haven't turned mine on yet. Expensive and fans are doing fine for now. If Mom were still alive I'd have it on, a little comfort is a nice thing when your always uncomfortable.
I NEED FOLLOWERS!!! Ummm, honestly I'm not entirely certain why? Anyway if you need help programming a VCR I still have that skillset.
Rest easy Mr. Sutherland. Invasion of the Body Snatchers is the first movie I remember you from. I saw M*A*S*H where you were Haweye years later, around when i saw you In Backdraft and then everywhere... You will be missed, thank you for all the great performances.
...also for fathers day i got a Dinosaur message board to hang on my office door like for a little kids room. Stegosaurus :) Very classy... Mine currently says DINO ROAR I'm very excited :)
...and this is the problem. But I can't afford a "coach" who for all I know doesn't have any better idea. You would hope so though, same for a nutritionist. Can't afford and still don't know if it would help. That said I'm headed to the gym after eating, had to take my meds. I hate the gym, HATE IT!
We claim the Witch of the Waterfall for Gen X
Why... WHY!!!! am I supposed to eat salad with a fork. It's not working, hasn't been for years... but here I sit stabbing green... nope, tomatoes, nope.. cucumbers are good radishes work out. Im gonna use a soup spoon to eat salad now, no one can stop me!