
It's lifechanging. "I always leave the broom here instead of putting it away...what if I just put a hook where I always leave it?" "I always take the scissors to another room and lose them. What if I put scissors in every room?"
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas
"I always forget to empty that small trash bin bc it's out of sight. What if I put it where it's visible?" "I always lose my keys on the catch-all table inside the door. What if I just put hooks above the table?" THERE ARE NO RULES. Look at your problem areas and accommodate existing habits.
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Work with the brain you have, not the one They think you should have, is so key for like, everything
Yep! It's a lot of pushing back against growing up with the message that I'm just lazy (though to be clear I am absolutely lazy sometimes).
I always put everything down where it's visible, even if it's just for a second. The only rule is, "I will be able to spot this when I am wandering around the house looking for it five minutes from now."
I've tried to explain to people for years that if I put stuff away, I forget it exists, and then I learned it's an actual thing, so I try to work around it now, keeping stuff visible.
I did have places for things when I lived in the same house for 18 years. I always tried put a thing in the same place whenever possible but if I had to set it down elswhere it always had to be visible. Now I have a new house and no permanent places yet so everything is set somewhere visible.
Scissors in every room has been SO GOOD. When my daughter was a complex and slightly malicious 4-year old, she tended to hoard them. I flooded the house with scissors and hairbrushes.
tbh, I still misplace the scissors, but it's sort of like musical chairs where they end up going room to room so it all works out lol.
I have a couple of different colors, so eventually I say, "Oh, those are the bathroom scissors" and put them back (after the dining room scissors have turned up, though, I'm not foolish).
I felt stupid buying another broom when I knew exactly where my broom was. But I also knew that I would not bring it back downstairs. So now I have an upstairs and a downstairs broom. I already had an upstairs and downstairs vacuum because my mom’s was too heavy to bring up.
I think that's great! I'd do the same if I was in a house. I duplicate as much as seems reasonable rather than fight my brain.