Jo - ceasefire now ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

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Jo - ceasefire now ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

Composer, pianist, administrator, crocheter, clown.
After weeks of fiddling I have finally submitted my latest copywriting assignment. Henceforth Iโ€™m putting myself on a strict two weeks per lesson schedule.
The I donโ€™t want to do anything but suspect doing nothing wonโ€™t actually make me feel better paradox.
If I ever win big on the lottery Iโ€™m buying - a little house but with space for a baby grand piano, a guest bedroom, a study and a vegetable garden. - a Bechsteinn - a Welsh dresser filled with artisan pottery. And I will acquire - at least 2 rescue cats - a spaniel And - maybe chickens.
Really not getting clear signals from body about if swimming would be good and perk me up. Or not. Brain is tired and therefore not entirely connecting with rest of body. Iโ€™ve done quite a lot more than I might usually do this week. Think Iโ€™m gonna give it a rest.
With Baker and Rees-Mogg both gone the more stealthy influence of Tufton Street and the ERG wanes. Rees-Mogg isnโ€™t just ugh for his views on abortion etc. His economic ideology (sovereign individualism where the very wealthy are effectively freed of any responsibility to the state) is loathesome.
Yeah. I just canโ€™t get excited when Labour are transphobic, ableist and equivocal about the Climate Emergency. The surge in votes for R*f*rm - reveals the extent of xenophobia, racism, and gullibility. They will do *nothing* for their voters other than make them poorer and scapegoat migrants.
I would like to point out that the Greens won the same number of seats as R*f*rm on half the votes. FPTP is, indeed, weird.
Why is it not Saturday though. Why do I have to spend the day trying to corral my brain into working when all I feel like is lying on the sofa eating chocolate and watching tennis.
4 Green MPs elected and Bolsonaro Indicted. A good day for the environment.
So. The nasty party (and in 4 cases the good guys) got elected in no small measure because the very nasty party vote got split between the very nasty party and the utter knuts party.
Bristol Central Brighton Pavillion Waveney Valley North Herefordshire 4 Green MPs ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š
WAVENEY VALLEY!! No youโ€™re from Suffolk and youโ€™re crying.
We must congratulate the BBC Question Time production team; after decades or constantly promoting their candidate they have finally gotten Nigel Farage elected.
Greens are now the second party in my constituency with more than four times the conservative vote and twice the Lib Demโ€™s and conservatives combined. And a +17% increase in the share of the vote. Similar result in Stokey. Iโ€™ll take that. ๐Ÿ’š
The rise of Reform is a fucking disaster for this country. Too many constituencies where the Labour majority only exists because the knooot vote has been split. The further legitimisation of that gurning frog faced bellend and his grifter Putin endorsing start-up. Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh.
Iรช! Beleza.
SAO PAULO (AP) โ€” Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
To be fair there have been changes to the constituency boundaries.
<1% chance of Steve Baker inning Wycombe. ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž
<1% chance of Steve Baker inning Wycombe. ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž
13 reform MPs is a fucking disaster though. Theyโ€™re a fucking business run by grifters.
Do I have any tips for organising an event (for up to 50 ppl) at two weeks notice? Uhmโ€ฆ.yeah, I do. Do you have Time Machine?
Democratic duty discharged. Feel a tiny bit anxious Iโ€™ve done the wrong thing by voting with my whole heart not holding my nose. Because I donโ€™t live in a marginal. The Greens are the only party who are offering a vision for the future. The rest are stuck in a fossil fuelled regressive past.
This is either a lie or a searing indictment of the catering in public schools in the 1990s.
Oh God - I know itโ€™s only 14C out and raining but it feels - sticky.
Oh god - for all the myriad ills of this election and despite how meh I feel about the likely winners - I just got a hit of anticipatory schadenfreude at the thought of watching the Tories get a drubbing.
Today beginneth the experiment where I see what it would be like to live on the lowest salary Iโ€™m prepared to go down to for a career change. At least dry July rhymes.
I have been swimming (while the Sportsball is on) and I feel much better for it.
Digital clothing/ sustainability innovation. Instead of listing the body measurements garments are designed to fit - list the garment measurements. In detail. Let customers choose the amount of ease they want. I promise you this will reduce returns/ wastage in the system.