Jo - ceasefire now 🇵🇸

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Jo - ceasefire now 🇵🇸

Composer, pianist, administrator, crocheter, clown.
Ephedrine is the chemical name for speed. One assumes pseudoephedrine mimics the properties of speed. One of which happens to be decongestant. Proper Sudafed makes me high as a kite. Unblocks my sinuses at the cost of no sleep and talking at a million mph.
My brain categorically does not want to leave the house today. OCD about things being off/locked dialled up to the max. Three or four times going back for things I’ve forgotten.
I really don’t have the mental spoons for a conference today.
Except the active ingredient in Sudafed - at least in the UK - is pseudoephedrine hydrochloride.
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
The duvet cover just regurgitated a missing trainer sock. Which is quite good as it means I will be able to field a matching pair tomorrow for my presentation. Yes. I wear trainer socks. What do think I am - some kind of young person?
I bet they don’t do *them* gluten free.
Yes. Absolutely. Though when my friend disclosed about her abuser I was like “yes, that absolutely tracks with other behaviour I observed and I believe you with every fibre of my being”.
I feel like “nature” is not particularly well defined here. I live in London - which technically has enough trees to be defined as a forest. But is also very urban. Not to mention that the countryside =/= nature - a lot of rural areas are intensively farmed. Feels a bit “have you tried yoga?”
And I have already done years of inward rolling my eyes at yoga teachers intoning over the amazingness of being “in nature” whilst gesturing towards a field of very much selectively bred grazing animals.
Ugh. I’m sorry. (Best part of 3 solid years of it here including a four month career break that was immediately wiped out by a parent being admitted to hospital within a week of me going back to work).
I did a big sigh. Please can it be autumn again soon. Hot weather is so overrated. I want cold and bright winter days.
On the upside I stocked up on ice lollies this morning.
Ah yes. The kafkaesque intersection of shit university IT systems/ insane government immigration rules (that other employers may have the privilege of not caring so much about because they don’t have a student visa sponsorship licence to lose)/ tax rules for any organisation with public funding.
It’s no consolation but trying to pay people is really frustrating too.
I have walked to Tesco by mistake. I went to go the king way round to Lid for a bit of a morning walk. It doesn’t matter in the least - my brain is on autopilot.
Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
Going the extra mile providing hand drawn illustrations for my forthcoming presentation.
Want free access to all my work? I'm hosting an open house. Because I want to make self care work more equitable:
SelfCareSchool Open Access to everything - for free!
I’ve been thinking about Jo Cox a lot today. And all the women who will suffer because England lost. And Hillary’s emails.
Is it really necessary to have the football playing simultaneously on two channels?
I worry that some will take this as a declaration of open season against “the libs”.
No that it isn’t permanently open season against everyone all of the time in America.
Squished in the middle. With Brexit looking like an even more terrible mistake and the UK desperately hoping that Germany and France remain allies.
The urge to sit cross legged vs having hip impingement and a torn labrum.
Very mixed thoughts. I think if you conduct your political campaigns using violent rhetoric and espouse violent policies - you are co-creating a violent political landscape that may also make you a victim. That doesn’t excuse, condone or make the violence against you right.