Jo - ceasefire now 🇵🇸

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Jo - ceasefire now 🇵🇸

Composer, pianist, administrator, crocheter, clown.
Going the extra mile providing hand drawn illustrations for my forthcoming presentation.
In case you need it over in the other place - my niece is absurdly cute. You should follow her and my nephew.
The culture wars are a front in the class war. Designed to divide us from one another, to scapegoat and to distract us. We have more in common than that which divides is - and that *terrifies* them.
God I love the 8.30 out of Liverpool St. Almost the whole carriage to myself as usual. This train exists mostly to send the rolling stock back up the line for the lunch and a matinee train from Norwich. And a nice tight fit on the 3M Aura 9330+. Look at those cheeks bulging over the top.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn’t a selfie.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie.
Payday plate. I have just decided that I’m going to buy myself one piece of this set a month until I get a new job. Each one is individual - and things have happened with the glaze on this one that are *very* pleasing.
Very quiet creatures. Mostly only come out at Christmas. My family has many. (My mum is Swedish). Some of my faves.
You’re going to be a vampire, who’s turning you?
You’re going to be a vampire. Who is turning you? It's the OG or nothing, baby.
I learnt a Bach (2 part) invention from an ABRSM book sans ornamentation. Now I have the Bärenreiter edition with all the ornaments. Damn me the twiddles make it harder. My fingers are getting in awful muddles and they don’t stick day to day.
I have gained Enlightenment and a new pair of pyjamas. My bank holiday weekend plans are shaping up nicely. Might buy a bottle of rosé to go with.
Ah. Yes, that’s what I need. A little Hank Mobley to bring some sunshine to a rainy Sunday.
He’s my parents MP. Dad is looking forward to his next article in the parish newsletter. He’s gonna need a CT and some physio to figure out what to do with this newly discovered spine. Meanwhile at the last local elections in the heart of his constituency.
My first blanket was very whibbly wobbly because my tension was all over the place. I just crocheted it together and proudly called it the whibbly wobbly blanket.
If music is therapy who is your music therapist?
If music is therapy who is your music therapist?
Where shall we put the bike parking? I dunno, maybe right where there’s likely to be broken glass
Next they’ll be claiming Lelaina Price is Gen Alpha.
My phone doesn’t really do it justice because the centre is very slightly glittery iridescent I a way that makes it look almost blue.
Today I am using whatever expression notes I feel like.
Drop an alien that’s not from Stat Wars or Star Trek.
drop an alien that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Is it just me or is deconstructed Mini Colins in a bottle taking things a step too far?
My neighbour who has just moved out gave me this card to say bye and thank you and…the more I look at it the more seen I feel. (Photo by Talitha Girnus).
I think my workplace wellbeing crafts are developing a theme.
I get to meet my feline nephew and niece for the first time tomorrow and I’m SO EXCITED. I have been sent lots of pictures and they appear to be a pair of adorable floofus doofuses.
Quote post with the fictional character you are in your head….
Quote post with the fictional character you are in your head...
I hope the Greens win more parliamentary seats at the next election. I keep reminding myself that this happened. The wisdom has always been that people in Suffolk would vote for a welly boot if it wore a blue rosette.
Your favourite spaceship that isn’t from star wars.
“Your favourite spaceship that isn't from Star Wars?”