
"The Guardian has uncovered evidence showing how Israel has relaunched a controversial entity as part of a broader public relations campaign to target US college campuses and redefine antisemitism in US law...a hardline and sometimes covert operation"
Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza As the Gaza war rages, Israeli funds target US college campuses and push to redefine antisemitism in US law
It is very weird to see people obfuscate this, when I went to Israel on a "counterterrorism" fellowship thru FDD that had the explicit purpose of me going back to my campus and writing op-eds defending GWOT and tying Israel's fight to the US fight on terror. This ain't hidden stuff!
Why were you given a counterterrorism fellowship and a trip to Israel?
The program would take two students from 20-25 college campuses to Israel for 5 weeks to observe Israeli measures and agencies, then 2 weeks in DC meeting FBI and DOD people. In exchange we were to go back to campus and write op-eds/host events with “experts” on Islamic terrorists for students.
As to why *I* was chosen, I had a good college conservative resume, and had just been an intern for Bush-Cheney ‘04 the year before.
Tbh if I had your resume I'd probably kill myself
Meh, I think that’s pretty small ball on today’s Internet, and I’m not proud of my youth, but I’m proud to show folks that people are capable of change
Me in 2004: working for George W Bush Me in 2018: being a leftist bogeyman in a GOP campaign commercial. Don’t assume every young RWer stays that way. Also, “open borders” is the moral and technically correct answer to migration policy. Don’t let anyone bully you otherwise.