
Everything else aside, isn't this horrifying? Like after everything that has happened this man is still a viable candidate that half the electorate is at least seriously considering. We have to win but also I am not sure what you do when the country is in such a state.
Right. No matter how they talk about it, people’s problem isn’t “Biden old”, it’s that trump isn’t losing by 10 points And since there’s no one person that will make that not true, we’re left with the most annoying news cycle I can remember
I think the best way to think about Trump is as a classic protest candidate, with one big difference: to his and everyone else's surprise, he actually won, which such candidates typically didn't do (e.g. George Wallace). People are voting against rather than for. The people who are being voted...
That was absolutely the case in 2016. I knew plenty of people who voted against Clinton as opposed to for Trump. But it is now 2024 and we all saw what Trump did and can heard what he plans to do.
I think it's still the same dynamic because what is essentially different about Biden compared with HRC? I used to think Biden was slightly more functional politically than her, but this last year has put the lie to that.
At the very least, it's not half the electorate positively voting for Trump rather than against. +/-30% is alarming enough, but it's hardly half. But instead of giving people something to vote *for*, you just see endless rehashes of "Rapist, felon, deplorable.." etc. All true, but missing the point.
Sorry to type your ear off, but your question of why Trump is not losing by 30 points is not rhetorical - it needs to actually be answered! Why?? As Lenny Bruce said, there is no 'ought' - there is only what is. Dems who just throw up their hands in bewilderment don't belong in politics