
Hey ladies, ever thought about getting married to the panopticon?
The hell kind of ad is this?
Oh so this is what they meant. But what a way to advertise it!
A mood ring is not going to help with reproductive health.
I went to their site and looked up their “scientific evidence” section. The ring could be a heart rate detector and maybe a sleep monitor. It doesn’t do anything particular to women.
Beware of data-collecting wearable health devices. But at least they say this: “Oura will oppose any request to provide legal authorities with access to user data for surveillance or prosecution purposes; we will notify users if we receive any such request, whenever legally permissible.”
Whenever legally permissible, sure. But it is always legally permissible to just not buy this crap.
For example: Older version of this ring alerted wearer when body temperature changed, stating wearer might be sick etc. It didnt understand how menstrual cycle affects people with periods. They have now done a lot to improve this
Ah, ok. That’s better at least.
A chart of your hourly body temp could absolutely be used to track ovulation, etc.
Yeah looks like they're just trying to ride the wave
It's meant to be the best of the activity trackers at period prediction. They absolutely need a rock solid privacy policy over that. I'm perimenopausal and it would be kinda nice if my Garmin could tell me when they're really due, but I'm glad it's not risking other people's abortion data.