Source Force

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Source Force

Allie | Trans lesbian | antizionist Jew | big weeb | I work in showbiz | I live in Navy Pier | I was built in 1893 | I'm slowly spinning in place
(Actually 30)
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
For those freaking out about Project 2025 now and how the word pornography will be weaponised to silence and imprison people, spare half a thought for the sex workers who have been ringing the alarm bell on this for decades.
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
You all understand how the act of erasing the "trans" in white trans women only serves to obfuscate the form and function of white supremacy, right? Cis white women are granted social standing because they can serve as breeding stock for cis white men. Trans white women lack that essential "value"
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
i literally just want a roof over my head, a warm meal in my belly, a body im happy with, and purpose and meaning in life. and all that without having to fear losing it every fucking month
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
"trans women are new to oppression" always means "I am new to thinking about trans women as people", and *often* means "I have never sincerely considered that I might have unexamined privilege on this axis"
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
the key principle of folding all non-white trans women (and frequently trans mascs as well!) into "white trans women" is an extension of transmisogyny. it, along with the notion of "moving from the top of the privilege pile", is the transphobic idea that transness is just something het white men do.
This is not fuckin cool, man
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
🧵Why Are All The Trans Women Horny I wanted to make this thread because it's a question I see posed all the time, basically framing trans women as sex obsessed and saying that is the problem. I'd like to address it calmly and factually because it's actually pretty interesting! And you should read
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
i'm sorry but if your argument is "republicans aren't listening to the new york times about trans people" you are just lying. they keep citing it in their fucking bills
Tavern-style in the Streets Deep-Dish in the sheets.
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
i’m being told it’s my duty to condemn political violence, so in light of yesterday’s events i once again condemn the israeli genocide against the palestinian people, and the united states’ active participation in enabling it.
gonna get the phone with two headphone jacks
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
Democrats reminding people that political violence should properly be carried out by IDF missiles for the explicit purpose of ethnic cleansing, *not* weirdos with small caliber rifles trying to make some ambiguous point
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
i try really hard to be Based and Strong but right now i'm just really scared i wanna grow up, have a life, 31 years of memories were lived by somebody else and it's brutal to think of what might be coming
brb, listening to some Sondheim
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
I somehow managed to stub my toe on flat, level floor
Call my ass Messmer, the way it's shooting snakes
spam phonecall woke me up from my depression nap 😞
it's dangerous that I know the weed bakery has decent drinks which turn into great cannabinated drinks. It's the most pleasant way to get high, and that means I am going to be spending alot of money there
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
Reposted byAvatar Source Force
say happy birthday to her
The Shadow of the Edm Tree is known as the Ska Tree