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I am a dad, a mathematician, and a teacher.
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Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
Today my daughter literally fell to her knees and wept because I said we couldn’t keep dancing. Am I the villain? It was past bedtime and she was definitely tired. Also 3 years old. But I’m still sort of worried that I’m the villain.
The other day my daughter said “I can’t say…spa…tee” or something close. She sounded and looked pissed off in a way I find incredibly relatable. While looking pissed she said “spa…get..tee. Spaghetti!” Then she celebrated. I am sincerely very proud of her. I'm excited to see who she chooses to be.
My 3 year old just told me this joke: What did one cat say to the other cat? It’s Easter! Can we do an Easter hunt?
I walked in the room to hear my six year old telling my 3 year old “To my standards…pizza is better than quesadilla.”
The internet used to feel like this endless, open thing to explore. Now it feels like sitting in a shitty little box.
My daughter made up a joke: Why did the teeth jump out of the person’s mouth? Because they just…jumped out of the mouth and…went out of the…house.
My daughter and I made this art together. The medium is paint on an old lid. The one with glasses is meant to be a self portrait but I don’t really have a perfectly round haircut so it’s off
Here is a joke: A liberal orders a drink. The bartender says “I want you to die. I am putting poison in your drink.” The liberal says “How about half the poison instead?” The bartender says no and the liberal dies feeling smug because they exposed the bartender’s unwillingness to compromise.
I've been trying to figure out a way to talk to my kid about not panicking in a way that didn't make it seem like I was annoyed that he was upset. I ended up landing on "let's think like a secret agent, what would they do? They'd stay calm...and come up with a plan..." and it worked and I feel good
Today my 5yo son, who has never played a Mario video game, asked me if I've ever lost at Mario. He seemed genuinely surprised. Then he asked if I ever defeated Bowser. I said yes and he seemed sincerely impressed. Being a dad rules.
I could not decide between these two
reskeet with a pic of you that could be an album cover
This literally happened to me with this. I showed it to someone I share big responsibilities with and they decided the graph was "misleading" (not wrong) because of how it represented the spikes (?) and somehow that dismisses it (???).
I love showing this to people who cite data to justify not masking and listening to them explain why suddenly the data doesn't matter. Just kidding I hate it.
Reading about a big tuberculosis outbreak in my county during an ongoing pandemic as I wait to check out in a grocery store where almost no one is masking 👍
I noticed my 5yo son has been politely declining chicken whenever offered, for at least a month. Today I offered him potatoes made in a way new to him. He asked it was made of the same stuff as chicken. I said no, it was potato. He looked relieved and told me he found out chicken is an animal.
What choices / mistakes did I make to get to the point that I heard this? Just having kids? That’s not a crime. I don’t deserve this.
I’m at a neurology appointment. A moment ago they were measuring my heart rate and it abruptly shot up. I laughed and said, “why does it sound like I’m getting nervous?” They agreed it did sound like I was. Then I remembered my thought right before:
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Someone once described the Facebook reactions, in order, as “the stages of learning about Morrissey” and that’s really stuck with me
Reposted byAvatar Michael
How anyone can see this and decide it’s not a genocide is beyond me
The Israeli bombing campaign in Gaza is reportedly killing children at a rate unprecedented in 21st-century conflict, according to data www.washingtonpost.com/world/intera...
I think this year I might permanently incinerate some bridges with the family I married into. They already hate that I still believe a pandemic is happening. They're going to be *pissed* at how unwilling I am to let my kids hear someone champion a genocide unchallenged.
End of feed.