
Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
Even for those who currently have no medical vulnerabilities, or who don’t mask regularly, wearing a mask should be as simple as using an umbrella when it rains or a bandage when you’re bleeding. You can protect yourself from flu season or smoke, or others from your cold. Easy, practical, courteous.
Criminalizing a simple, easy, personal tool for public health is absurd and incredibly harmful. Masking whenever, wherever, for whatever reason, should be a completely normal and accepted part of life in a society.
It ought to be illegal to ban it under America's constitution, but fascist judges will find a way to legalize those bans. Grim times in those United States.
(Am not USA-ian) - if you wrote a message on your mask, would it become protected as speech/expression? Of course you shouldn’t have to. But just wondering.
Has this been tested in court?
The “respect my personal freedoms”/“don’t tread on me” folks strike again
I still don't get how me wearing a mask infringes on anyone's freedom. 🤯
You're infringing on their freedom to identify and harass you for being different.
Actually, I don't, I just want to wear a mask while they harrass me. 🤷
Things I have masked in addition to covid and other respiratory infections: wildfire smoke, fireworks smoke, campfire smoke, silt dust when when walking around a recently flooded city, cold temps, fresh cut grass, dust while cleaning (that one is at home). They are great!
People use leaf blowers without masks In tight spaces
Facial recognition systems needs to work to protect the power elites! Public protection is contrary to the power structures. Profits are made off of public vulnerabilities.
Facial recognition can do a lot with just the eyes.
Yep My phone recognizes me just fine in mask and sunglasses
Yes, that's why it sees every Black person being a wanted criminal! It's very perceptive, isn't it?
Ohhhh. I live on the border and I cross back and forth a lot. US Customs makes me pull down my mask for the camera. I hate this.
Japan is so much better than us about this. (I don't know about other countries in Asia, though.)
hell folks there will wear them for fashion or to cover up a breakout, etc. im so jealous 🫠
I've said it before, but if Taylor Swift included a collector's edition for every concert ticket buyer, I bet masks would be so *in*. 😂
instead she just required masks around her mom, and then nowhere else on all the many many superspreader tour dates 🫠
These are people who think the novel 1984 was aspirational. “Security” above all. (Plus the opportunity to download people’s faces for AI use.)
Masking is so simple. And don't go out in public with a cold or flu. Stay home.
If possible sure but sometimes it is not possible and then a mask can be incredibly helpful!
I mask. I have not had any health problems outside of allergies since March of 2020. No flu. No stomach virus. No bronchitis. No strep throat. This house is still NoVId. Vaccinations, masks almost everywhere. And I still do eat at restaurants rarely. It can be done if you manage your risk.
The supermarket has a large area and big air handling, and I wear mask. Convenience Store, pretty good air handling, I wear a mask. I would love to read more about how restaurants upgraded their HVAC, but they had very good HVAC before this. I am NoVId and have been to restaurants.
Yeah same except I don’t eat inside restaurants
After I got the first two shots in 2021, I was still "Outside only". And yes, it's still the best choice. And I would really love to hear about restaurant push to put in the best HVAC possible.
Same here. Masking around people, masking in the gardens. NoVid! Allergies are minimal.
Don't get me wrong. I am very on AstroKatie's bandwagon. Mask up early and often. But I have slowly added in situations, and, well, I'm still NoVId. I am not thinking of going outside what is currently working though.
I’m a grown woman. No one is gonna make me take off my mask if I don’t want to. WTH is happening in this country? Dark Ages 2.0???
Especially considering the worsening air pollution as global warming continues. Mask wearing saves lives.
Next time the wildfires roll through in California there will be a lot of people masking! We were So Cal last week and there was some smoke, luckily not as bad as 2020…
I also wear one bc i have self confidence/image issues and sometimes its just easier to cover the problem with a mask. Just another bonus
And allergies. I garden with a mask on on high pollen days. I discovered this in 2020.
Totally, its just good manners and common sense. Bit of a resurgence in mask wearing here in Melbourne, i think because -so many- people currently have/recently had covid/flu/rsv etc. Its certainly not driven by leadership from govt or media. #covidisntover
Careful...maybe they will start trying to ban bandages next.
If it's something to do with protests, could this also mean a ban on bandanas, scarves and baseball caps? I assume balaclavas are already banned.
Protestors should mask all they want, cops should be required to show their faces and have the names and badge numbers so clearly visible that I can zoom in on a picture I take and read it with no problem.
Maybe umbrellas are next on the list....
Healthcare worker here. I wear a mask every day. I can’t believe my coworkers don’t.
This is such a deeply cynical and frankly terrifying overreach of state power. It genuinely makes my stomach clench to think about.
I have worn a mask very nearly every time I’ve been inside somewhere commercial for four years. As far as I know I’m still Novid. This infuriates me. We turned back from going to Ashville NC to see Biltmore bc we won’t set foot in a state that proposes that. Fewer and fewer options, looks like.🥺
Also those who care for elderly and uncompromised or are frequently around them, who might otherwise infect their patients. Mask bans basically tell the elderly and disabled to just go ahead and die.
also, you should be able to just wear them for privacy or aesthetic purposes. It's literally YOUR face. all the justifications are security culture related and those are bad even without the health aspect